Fluke 77 dim LCD display

"Charles" <charlesschuler@comcast.net> wrote in message
Any ideas?
I had a couple of them just this morning.
"Charles" <charlesschuler@comcast.net> wrote in message
Any ideas?
Apparently this is a pretty common problem. There are kits for the 80 series
being sold on eBay - not sure if there are kits for the 77. You could try
contacting that seller.

As I recall, it's simply that there are bad connections between the circuit
board and the display module. Cleaning the connectors ought to help. IIRC
there is a rubber-looking conductive extender between the board and the
display the edges of which need to be cleaned as well.

Mark Z.
Simply lifting the display from the board and cleaning the contacts on the
board will often fix the problem.

Cleaning the contacts on the LCD is more "iffy". If you have to do it, you
should soak a foam swab in solvent, then "roll" it over the contacts (rather
than rubbing it).
On Fri, 26 Jun 2009 19:09:19 -0400, "Charles"

Any ideas?
Clean the zebra strips. Mine is a little brown but very visable.
But it'salso 25 years old.
"Dave M" <masondg4499@comcast.net> wrote in message
"Charles" <charlesschuler@comcast.net> wrote in message
Any ideas?

I had a couple of them just this morning.
I doubt that.

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