Fluke 5100B


Robert T.

Hi all,

I am looking to calibrate 16 bit A/D converters used in several
configurations (DC voltage, AC voltage, and RTD) and was wondering if a
Fluke 5100B 4.5 digit calibrator would be a good choice accuracy-wise?

According to blurbs on the web, these are the specs.

The 5100B AC/DC Calibrator calibrates precision meters that measure AC or
DC Voltage (0-1100V), AC or DC current (200 uA-2A), and Resistance (1 ohm
to 10 Mohms). Accuracies are: DC voltage and resistance (0.005%), DC
current (0.025%) AC Volts (0.05%) and AC current (0.07%).

In sci.electronics.basics Robert T. <nospam@dev.null> wrote:
I am looking to calibrate 16 bit A/D converters used in several
configurations (DC voltage, AC voltage, and RTD) and was wondering if
a Fluke 5100B 4.5 digit calibrator would be a good choice accuracy-

A 16-bit A/D converter has 65,536 steps over its full range. If you
want to have resolution down to one step, you need something that's
accurate to at least (1/65536)*100 or 0.00153%, and preferably more than

If you're willing to accept being three or four steps off, then the
0.005% is OK. It depends a lot on what you're doing with the digitized

Matt Roberds
On Tue, 29 Jul 2014 14:31:01 +0000 (UTC) mroberds@att.net wrote in Message
id: <lr8b72$5m9$1@dont-email.me>:

In sci.electronics.basics Robert T. <nospam@dev.null> wrote:
I am looking to calibrate 16 bit A/D converters used in several
configurations (DC voltage, AC voltage, and RTD) and was wondering if
a Fluke 5100B 4.5 digit calibrator would be a good choice accuracy-

A 16-bit A/D converter has 65,536 steps over its full range. If you
want to have resolution down to one step, you need something that's
accurate to at least (1/65536)*100 or 0.00153%, and preferably more than

If you're willing to accept being three or four steps off, then the
0.005% is OK. It depends a lot on what you're doing with the digitized

Thanks Matt. I think that I can live with a few counts off.

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