I see many serial-converters have a db9/25 socket and a 4 wires 485
socket (TX+,TX-,RX+,RX-). I want to know know the RS485 part
implements the CTS/RTS flow control.
For example, if the local computer wants to stop the remote side to
send due to buffer full, how the converter can do that just by the 485
wries TX+,TX-,RX+,RX-?
I see many serial-converters have a db9/25 socket and a 4 wires 485
socket (TX+,TX-,RX+,RX-). I want to know know the RS485 part
implements the CTS/RTS flow control.
For example, if the local computer wants to stop the remote side to
send due to buffer full, how the converter can do that just by the 485
wries TX+,TX-,RX+,RX-?