Flourecent lamp for scanner


JR North

Looking for a 10" X 1/8" flourecent scan lamp for my Microtek
Scanmaker 3600. This has solder ends. No joy with Google, Ebay,
Mouser, Digikey, et all.
Idiotic design; the lamp is on all the time, and burns out quickly.
This one burned out several years ago; decided to try to fix it
finally. I think it's cold cathode, but not sure. Any ideas?
JR North <junkjasonrnorth@bigfoot.com> wrote in message
Looking for a 10" X 1/8" flourecent scan lamp for my Microtek
Scanmaker 3600. This has solder ends. No joy with Google, Ebay,
Mouser, Digikey, et all.
Idiotic design; the lamp is on all the time, and burns out quickly.
This one burned out several years ago; decided to try to fix it
finally. I think it's cold cathode, but not sure. Any ideas?

Have you confirmed that its power supply is ok, by extended wiring-in any
old small flourescent tube, then a matter of finding a dumped scanner , any
make, and hope its lamp physically fits and is near enough the right colour
On Sun, 13 May 2012 20:35:49 -0700, JR North
<junkjasonrnorth@bigfoot.com> wrote:

Looking for a 10" X 1/8" flourecent scan lamp for my Microtek
Scanmaker 3600. This has solder ends. No joy with Google, Ebay,
Mouser, Digikey, et all.
Idiotic design; the lamp is on all the time, and burns out quickly.
This one burned out several years ago; decided to try to fix it
finally. I think it's cold cathode, but not sure. Any ideas?
It's a CCFL lamp.

Microtek sells replacement lamps. You won't like the prices. I found
one article where someone didn't want to spend $37 plus shipping. The
web site suggest you call support for replacement info and pricing.
See 3rd question.
Note the different phone numbers.

Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com
150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
Santa Cruz CA 95060 http://802.11junk.com
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558
On May 13, 8:35 pm, JR North <junkjasonrno...@bigfoot.com> wrote:
Looking for a 10" X 1/8" flourecent scan lamp for my Microtek
Scanmaker 3600. This has solder ends. No joy with Google, Ebay,
Mouser, Digikey, et all.
Idiotic design; the lamp is on all the time, and burns out quickly.
This one burned out several years ago; decided to try to fix it
finally. I think it's cold cathode, but not sure. Any ideas?
HOME PAGE:http://www.seanet.com/~jasonrnorth
The lamp is kept on all the time to keep the lamp 'warmed' up and
producing illumination that appears to the CCD as 'uniform, flat'
across the page.

The sensitivity of your eyes is logarithmic.A CCD' sensitivity is
somewhat linear [actually square law, but that's a details]. Thus, if
you can barely notice brightness variation, the CCD sees that as more
than a 70% change! You can imagine the tricks one has to play in the
electronics to make any non-uniform brightness produce uniform images
while scanning.

In my experience the tube dies a slow death. If it went abruptly,
could be the driver. Careful of the driver, it produces some high
voltage to fire these arc lamps.
In article <ovu0r7lcb4dcmjsj32c71jk6nl5t40vq6u@4ax.com>,
JR North <junkjasonrnorth@bigfoot.com> wrote:

Looking for a 10" X 1/8" flourecent scan lamp for my Microtek
Scanmaker 3600. This has solder ends. No joy with Google, Ebay,
Mouser, Digikey, et all.
1) I see scanners all the time at garage sales. Any one with a scanning
surface the same width should have a usable lamp inside. And maybe a
replacement power supply, if you need one ...

2) Look on eBay for one the same size, advertised as a replacement for a
laptop display.

The color balance may be wrong (because it likely doesn't use the same
phosphor mix), but it should be possible to compensate for that -- maybe
the scanner will do it automatically.

Idiotic design; the lamp is on all the time, and burns out quickly.
Well, that shouldn't happen. The technology is the same as for laptop
display backlights, and they generally last a long time.

But you could always turn it off when you're not using it ...


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