Over 10 years ago I started a website ( which I built interactive flash programs to teach various engineering concepts. I Initially designed these programs to personally understand DSP and then to pass along what I learned to others****. These topics were fourier series, discrete fourier series, fourier transforms filtering I/Q modulation and also some RF stuff most notably the smith chart.
I produced content aggressively for about three years (2008-2011). At the websites height I received about 2 emails per week and had about 3G of downloads per day. My site also produced great returns for web searches (typically #1,2 or 3) on the topics I covered. Many professors linked to my pages.. In about 2012 I got burned out on this but kept the content up. The site peaked in about 2013 or 2014 and then has had a slow decline in popularity and hits. I still get traffic , but it is way down. I get an occasional letter but it is very occasional.
At the end of this year most browsers will be disabling flash and I will be sun setting my website.
Was it worth it? I received No money for it ever. I learned a ton about the topics for myself and I got over one hundred letters thanking me for helping them understand various topics.
Life moves on.
***** I had always considered myself an RF/radio engineer. About 15 years ago I was really becoming uncomfortable because it was becoming clear that the future of radio was DSP and how could I call myself a radio engineer if I did not really know DSP. From there I embarked on the loooong journey to try to really understand the fundamentals of DSP.
I produced content aggressively for about three years (2008-2011). At the websites height I received about 2 emails per week and had about 3G of downloads per day. My site also produced great returns for web searches (typically #1,2 or 3) on the topics I covered. Many professors linked to my pages.. In about 2012 I got burned out on this but kept the content up. The site peaked in about 2013 or 2014 and then has had a slow decline in popularity and hits. I still get traffic , but it is way down. I get an occasional letter but it is very occasional.
At the end of this year most browsers will be disabling flash and I will be sun setting my website.
Was it worth it? I received No money for it ever. I learned a ton about the topics for myself and I got over one hundred letters thanking me for helping them understand various topics.
Life moves on.
***** I had always considered myself an RF/radio engineer. About 15 years ago I was really becoming uncomfortable because it was becoming clear that the future of radio was DSP and how could I call myself a radio engineer if I did not really know DSP. From there I embarked on the loooong journey to try to really understand the fundamentals of DSP.