Flash Programming via JTAG port on CPLD


I am not familiar with boundary scan applicatoins. Can any one tell me
where I can find more info on how to write an application that programs
Flash via a CPLD's JTAG port?
Thank you
I am not familiar with boundary scan applicatoins. Can any one tell me
where I can find more info on how to write an application that programs
Flash via a CPLD's JTAG port?
Thank you

There is Universalscan (http://www.universalscan.com).

If you're talking about a SPI flash some Xilinx AN here :
http://www.xilinx.com/publications/xcellonline/xcell_55/xc_spi55.htm and

You can for instance configure the CPLD using JTAG to redirect JTAG pins
to the SPI flash pins and then use the xspi utility (considering that it
is possible to transform JTAG pins in standard IO pins after configuration).

Search on http://www.opencores.org too for JTAG cores.


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