I have to design a processor in VHDL which does various
multiplications and divisions to find a result which is a real number.
As it is a hand held low power device I decided to use fixed point
arithmetic for all the arithmetic operations involved in the design of
the processor.
I would like to know the best way to design the low power processor in
VHDL. How could I implement fixed point multiplication and division
in VHDL? Can I use * operator? Or is it better to use some other
algorithms for multiplications for low power processor?
Any help in this issue is greatly appreciated.
I have to design a processor in VHDL which does various
multiplications and divisions to find a result which is a real number.
As it is a hand held low power device I decided to use fixed point
arithmetic for all the arithmetic operations involved in the design of
the processor.
I would like to know the best way to design the low power processor in
VHDL. How could I implement fixed point multiplication and division
in VHDL? Can I use * operator? Or is it better to use some other
algorithms for multiplications for low power processor?
Any help in this issue is greatly appreciated.