Jason D.
The convergence error is disabled like somebody pulled all three
convergence yokes plugs or turned service menu D0F to 1.
Problem not storing the convergence was SMD 8 pin EEPROM IC. It is
24C64 type. Got lucky, don't like to spend so much time fiddling with
settings, so I swapped the eeproms from old to new X-board. Then had
to swap old for new IC. That old convergence eeprom IC was dud. Ugh.
There are two eeproms, one for "chassis" using regular DIP IC, other
one for convergence using SMD IC.
Take care that asolutely certain of a failed part on x-board, the
whole x-board cost 200, especially convergence pair of pioneer ICs
aren't available via panasonic.
Honestly, this model is not great type. Pix is too poor even with
100% perfect convergence & sharp picture.
convergence yokes plugs or turned service menu D0F to 1.
Problem not storing the convergence was SMD 8 pin EEPROM IC. It is
24C64 type. Got lucky, don't like to spend so much time fiddling with
settings, so I swapped the eeproms from old to new X-board. Then had
to swap old for new IC. That old convergence eeprom IC was dud. Ugh.
There are two eeproms, one for "chassis" using regular DIP IC, other
one for convergence using SMD IC.
Take care that asolutely certain of a failed part on x-board, the
whole x-board cost 200, especially convergence pair of pioneer ICs
aren't available via panasonic.
Honestly, this model is not great type. Pix is too poor even with
100% perfect convergence & sharp picture.