I'm very first timer with Verilog, hence I may pose silly questions.
Please, understand.
And, if you guys think this is not the right forum for Verilog first
timers, I would appreciate if you adress me elsewhere.
Ok, I'm using Windows and I need to start coding, simulating,
synthesizing and verifying with reliable free Verilog SW. Target
product is FPGA.
What SW do you suggest?
What about Icarus Verilog?
Is there EDA house that allows limited access to Verilog SW?
Thanks by now. Hopefully your inputs will generate more questions.
I'm very first timer with Verilog, hence I may pose silly questions.
Please, understand.
And, if you guys think this is not the right forum for Verilog first
timers, I would appreciate if you adress me elsewhere.
Ok, I'm using Windows and I need to start coding, simulating,
synthesizing and verifying with reliable free Verilog SW. Target
product is FPGA.
What SW do you suggest?
What about Icarus Verilog?
Is there EDA house that allows limited access to Verilog SW?
Thanks by now. Hopefully your inputs will generate more questions.