Fisher and Paykel Washing machine error codes



I'm trying to track down the error codes for a fisher and paykel smart
drive washing machine model lw015-k.

It is from around 1994.

I found a few posts from this newsgroup with links to the error codes
from 2002 and 2003 but unfortunately the links are now dead. I've also
emailed Fisher and Paykel but I doubt they will give them out .

I'm trying to decide whether it's worth trying to fix or not. I just
got back from holiday to find it broken. My house sitter said that it
wouldn't turn on. This is the third time it has broken down and each
time it happened when I was on holiday. Are my house sitters stone
washing their jeans while I'm away or what ?

I'll tell you the symptoms and what I've done, keep reading only if
you're interested.
What caused it ? Who knows.
Machine was totally dead, no lights or sounds.
Found main fuse was totally shattered. The fuse was a 4.5amp 240v
glass fuse.
I called a service company and they said that the machine took a 6amp
fuse. Since the machine had been fixed before I thought maybe the
serviceman had put the wrong fuse in and this is why it blew.
I could see no obvious signs of damage to the circuit boards so I
decided to replace the fuse and see what happened.
Only had a 5 amp fuse so put that in and turned on.
Machine went bang so I turned it off. Doh.
Opened her up again and checked fuse. It hadn't blown. No visible
signs of damage.
Closed her up and powered her on (not expecting anything to happen)
and it powered on.
All the lights were normal and all the buttons worked.
I tried to run a cycle.
The machine makes 4 attempts to fill with water. I can hear the water
going through and some water goes into the bowl but this last only for
about 5 seconds then it tries again. After the 4th attempt it stops
and the 4th of the 5 wash progress lights goes on and the machine
beeps every second.
I also tried to run a spin cycle and the same thing happened. It makes
4 attempts at starting the spin then stops.

I must have blown something. Luckily for everyone else I'm not a
Maybe the machine is trying to startup the agitator and failing ?

Any help would be appreciated, especially a link to some error codes.

Mister Stinky Clothes.

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