Within the Modelsim I am trying to force all signals (integer,
std_logic, std_logic_vector and type) named RET_ within a particular
instance to an active state.
I understand that I use: find signals sim:/tb_dut/dut/pro/RET_* to
find all signals within that region, but how do then find out the
particular type of a signal, so that I know how to force it i.e left
most value for integers, right most value for types, 1 for std_logic
and 1's for std_logic_vector? Would I need to use the describe
Within the Modelsim I am trying to force all signals (integer,
std_logic, std_logic_vector and type) named RET_ within a particular
instance to an active state.
I understand that I use: find signals sim:/tb_dut/dut/pro/RET_* to
find all signals within that region, but how do then find out the
particular type of a signal, so that I know how to force it i.e left
most value for integers, right most value for types, 1 for std_logic
and 1's for std_logic_vector? Would I need to use the describe