Finding signal types within Modelsim using TCL


Within the Modelsim I am trying to force all signals (integer,
std_logic, std_logic_vector and type) named RET_ within a particular
instance to an active state.
I understand that I use: find signals sim:/tb_dut/dut/pro/RET_* to
find all signals within that region, but how do then find out the
particular type of a signal, so that I know how to force it i.e left
most value for integers, right most value for types, 1 for std_logic
and 1's for std_logic_vector? Would I need to use the describe

On Wed, 12 Sep 2007 11:02:27 -0000, wrote:


Within the Modelsim I am trying to force all signals (integer,
std_logic, std_logic_vector and type) named RET_ within a particular
instance to an active state.
I understand that I use: find signals sim:/tb_dut/dut/pro/RET_* to
find all signals within that region, but how do then find out the
particular type of a signal, so that I know how to force it i.e left
most value for integers, right most value for types, 1 for std_logic
and 1's for std_logic_vector? Would I need to use the describe
Yes, I think that does what you want.

Unfortunately, the result of [describe] is designed for
human rather than machine readership. However, the
format isn't too complicated and an easy bit of Tcl
will unravel most of the common cases. For enums, the
first word of the first line is "Enumeration" and the
second line contains a convenient list of the literals.
Records and arrays are described in a nierarchical way,
with indentation (using spaces) to indicate levels
of hierarchy. Not trivial, but definitely possible.
Jonathan Bromley, Consultant

DOULOS - Developing Design Know-how
VHDL * Verilog * SystemC * e * Perl * Tcl/Tk * Project Services

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