I was wondering if I could get some advice on how to approach a design. I have a 5mV 8MHz signal I need to feed into an ADC, I want to do 2 things, filter it, and amplify it, the end result needs to fit on a fairly small pcb.... something like 2" x 2" , I'm using FilterPro right now to come up with some filter ideas... do you think it's ok to do an active filer that can do the gain and bandpass? Then feed that into an ADC... I'm looking at using an AD9238 (12-bit, 65MSPS) ADC... any tips/thoughts is greatly appreciated!
Much thanks!
I was wondering if I could get some advice on how to approach a design. I have a 5mV 8MHz signal I need to feed into an ADC, I want to do 2 things, filter it, and amplify it, the end result needs to fit on a fairly small pcb.... something like 2" x 2" , I'm using FilterPro right now to come up with some filter ideas... do you think it's ok to do an active filer that can do the gain and bandpass? Then feed that into an ADC... I'm looking at using an AD9238 (12-bit, 65MSPS) ADC... any tips/thoughts is greatly appreciated!
Much thanks!