Arfa Daily
A few weeks back, I bought some two part rapid epoxy in a twin syringe
arrangement, from the local 99p shop - and very good it is too, if you can
stand the smell.
Today, I needed to have some of it go off extra quickly, so I mixed a small
amount up on a piece of folded up paper, and then waved the hot air pencil
over the little pile, with it on its lowest setting, which is not
particularly uncomfortable on the skin. To my surprise, after a few seconds
of this treatment, the mix took off in a violent and uncontrolled reaction.
It smoked fairly profusely, and generated so much heat that it boiled ! I
have warmed epoxy - albeit properly branded Araldite - in this way many
times before, and the only thing that it has done is to go watery for a
short time, and then rapidly into the 'sticky toffee' phase. Anyone else
ever suffered a reaction like this ?
arrangement, from the local 99p shop - and very good it is too, if you can
stand the smell.
Today, I needed to have some of it go off extra quickly, so I mixed a small
amount up on a piece of folded up paper, and then waved the hot air pencil
over the little pile, with it on its lowest setting, which is not
particularly uncomfortable on the skin. To my surprise, after a few seconds
of this treatment, the mix took off in a violent and uncontrolled reaction.
It smoked fairly profusely, and generated so much heat that it boiled ! I
have warmed epoxy - albeit properly branded Araldite - in this way many
times before, and the only thing that it has done is to go watery for a
short time, and then rapidly into the 'sticky toffee' phase. Anyone else
ever suffered a reaction like this ?