Clive Arthur
I'm using a Microchip library FFT on a dsPIC witha time domain input, it
all works splendidly and has done for some time.
However, re-visiting the code with a bit more time to think makes me
wonder about the input waveform. I put this in to the Real buffer as
it's digitised and clear the Imaginary buffer (actually the same buffer
with alternating Re/Im) before kicking off the FFT. Is there something
I could do with the Imag part of the buffer rather than just zero it to
maybe improve resolution or something? On the output side I use both parts.
Likewise going the other way to generate a time domain waveform, I only
use the real output, skipping the Imag parts, but use both parts for input.
all works splendidly and has done for some time.
However, re-visiting the code with a bit more time to think makes me
wonder about the input waveform. I put this in to the Real buffer as
it's digitised and clear the Imaginary buffer (actually the same buffer
with alternating Re/Im) before kicking off the FFT. Is there something
I could do with the Imag part of the buffer rather than just zero it to
maybe improve resolution or something? On the output side I use both parts.
Likewise going the other way to generate a time domain waveform, I only
use the real output, skipping the Imag parts, but use both parts for input.