George Herold
I'm switching a high impedance (~100 k ohm) with a fet.
I wanted to make a dummy signal of a
photoconductive detector. The detector resistance is about
10 Meg ohms and changes by ~ 1%.
Here's the circuit I built.
V bias ~1-2V-----------+
R bias (10 Meg)
+---------------> signal out
R sig (10 Meg)
G | |
+----+ | | R-100k
____| |___>--+ | |
V gate 0-7 V. +-S-+-+--------------> signal out
Fet was a 2N7000. When I switched it off, (gate to ground) I got
this huge negative going spike. (Between drain and source)
I assume this was just capacitance
(Gate to source or drain?) and the large dV/dt.
I ended up driving it with a sine wave, which gave an ugly
"dummy" signal, but no spikes. Is there a better way to cure this?
A bunch of resistance in the gate lead?
I tried adding a diode S-D, but this didn't do much... of course this
is just in parallel with the FET body diode... (I figured that out after.)
George H.
I wanted to make a dummy signal of a
photoconductive detector. The detector resistance is about
10 Meg ohms and changes by ~ 1%.
Here's the circuit I built.
V bias ~1-2V-----------+
R bias (10 Meg)
+---------------> signal out
R sig (10 Meg)
G | |
+----+ | | R-100k
____| |___>--+ | |
V gate 0-7 V. +-S-+-+--------------> signal out
Fet was a 2N7000. When I switched it off, (gate to ground) I got
this huge negative going spike. (Between drain and source)
I assume this was just capacitance
(Gate to source or drain?) and the large dV/dt.
I ended up driving it with a sine wave, which gave an ugly
"dummy" signal, but no spikes. Is there a better way to cure this?
A bunch of resistance in the gate lead?
I tried adding a diode S-D, but this didn't do much... of course this
is just in parallel with the FET body diode... (I figured that out after.)
George H.