ferrite beads?



Can someone tell me what a 'ferrite bead vk200, vk600' is? how much do they
cost? are they an easy-to-find component?
tom wrote:
Can someone tell me what a 'ferrite bead vk200, vk600' is? how much do they
cost? are they an easy-to-find component?
The VK200 (a 6 hole bead) is listed on these catalog pages:

John Popelish
Thanks John, I looked at those pages. They don't have a picture, though.
They have lines like this:

VK200 6-holes core wired 2.5 turns (VK200) high current RF choke

Is this on of those doughnut shaped rings, with wires wrapped around it?
What does '6 holes' mean? How can there be 6 holes in 1 torus?
Can you think of anywhere that might have a picture of one these, it'd be
worth 10,000 words (old chinese saying).

tom wrote:
Thanks John, I looked at those pages. They don't have a picture, though.
They have lines like this:

VK200 6-holes core wired 2.5 turns (VK200) high current RF choke

Is this on of those doughnut shaped rings, with wires wrapped around it?
What does '6 holes' mean? How can there be 6 holes in 1 torus?
Can you think of anywhere that might have a picture of one these, it'd be
worth 10,000 words (old chinese saying).

Is 10,000 words worth a 6 megabyte download? Page 79 of the big
Fair-rite catalog shows what I think the 2.5 turn bead looks like.
John Popelish
What the hell, I'm on a cable modem --- I average around 380,000
bytes/second, I'll take a look at it.
OK, I just looked at the catalogue and I know what a 6-hole ferrite bead is,
what it looks like, and I've even got a bunch of fancy impedance/frequency

Thanks John

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