With 240V mains and no load the mains Tx is saturating with , not too
intrusive laminations buzz, with a current draw of .34 amps , normal? Tx
seems adequate size for this combo
In for "stuck" tuner display. One LED solder bridge from manufacture, cannot
ever have displayed, must have eventually draggged down 74HCT595 and now all
LED are on for flat/sharp section, other section , main scale note DISPLAY ,
and its 595 working .
intrusive laminations buzz, with a current draw of .34 amps , normal? Tx
seems adequate size for this combo
In for "stuck" tuner display. One LED solder bridge from manufacture, cannot
ever have displayed, must have eventually draggged down 74HCT595 and now all
LED are on for flat/sharp section, other section , main scale note DISPLAY ,
and its 595 working .