Distorted output, half wave. I've not dismantled to get to component
side of the board yet, nor tested the valves yet.
Output 6L6 have matching , good, DC on K,G and A, but with test sine V7
grid scoping shows a rectangular wave of the test f period and 1/3 mark
to space. Swapping splitter valve , distortion remains.
Swapping 6L6, distortion stays at V7 position. o/p matching tx primary
measures 56.3 and 51.3 ohms to standby sw, so nothing suspicious there.
I've forgotton what this is symptomatic of, is it a leaky cap on the
relevant side of the splitter valve?
side of the board yet, nor tested the valves yet.
Output 6L6 have matching , good, DC on K,G and A, but with test sine V7
grid scoping shows a rectangular wave of the test f period and 1/3 mark
to space. Swapping splitter valve , distortion remains.
Swapping 6L6, distortion stays at V7 position. o/p matching tx primary
measures 56.3 and 51.3 ohms to standby sw, so nothing suspicious there.
I've forgotton what this is symptomatic of, is it a leaky cap on the
relevant side of the splitter valve?