cc: support@t3lstra.com,support@bigp0nd.com
Graham Cooper to support, tio show details 8:49 PM (14 hours ago)
I refuse to pay a bill over $200 for an $85 per month account with no up front fee.
Graham Cooper
TIO Email to me show details 11:26 AM (20 minutes ago)
Dear Mr Cooper
TIO Reference Number: 10/152131
Thank you for the copy of your email to Telstra, sent to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) on 28 June 2010. I have
kept your email on file, but I have not taken any other action in relation to your complaint.
Please give Telstra a reasonable amount of time to resolve your complaint with you, for example between 10 to 20 working days.
You are welcome to contact the TIO again by email or by calling 1800 062 058, if the company:
* does not respond to your email at all, or
* does not, in your view, suggest resolving your complaint in a fair and reasonable way.
If you need to contact us again, we will want to know the answers to these questions:
1. Who contacted you from Telstra?
2. What did they tell you?
3. Why do you believe your complaint is still not resolved?
4. What resolution do you think would be fair and reasonable?
5. Authorisation: if you are acting on behalf of someone else, please organise for them to complete and send us this form:
For more information on how we handle complaints, see
Yours sincerely
Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman
cc: support@t3lstra.com,support@bigp0nd.com
Graham Cooper to support, tio show details 8:49 PM (14 hours ago)
I refuse to pay a bill over $200 for an $85 per month account with no up front fee.
Graham Cooper
TIO Email to me show details 11:26 AM (20 minutes ago)
Dear Mr Cooper
TIO Reference Number: 10/152131
Thank you for the copy of your email to Telstra, sent to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) on 28 June 2010. I have
kept your email on file, but I have not taken any other action in relation to your complaint.
Please give Telstra a reasonable amount of time to resolve your complaint with you, for example between 10 to 20 working days.
You are welcome to contact the TIO again by email or by calling 1800 062 058, if the company:
* does not respond to your email at all, or
* does not, in your view, suggest resolving your complaint in a fair and reasonable way.
If you need to contact us again, we will want to know the answers to these questions:
1. Who contacted you from Telstra?
2. What did they tell you?
3. Why do you believe your complaint is still not resolved?
4. What resolution do you think would be fair and reasonable?
5. Authorisation: if you are acting on behalf of someone else, please organise for them to complete and send us this form:
For more information on how we handle complaints, see
Yours sincerely
Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman