Faulty tv



When the picture suddenly goes on a t.v., what is it usually
due to?
"Lessie" <lessie__@hotmail.com> wrote in message
When the picture suddenly goes on a t.v., what is it usually
due to?

Operation of the power switch.

Are you thinking of fixing a TV? If so, you will
be concerned with why yours is broken, not
common cases. That said, a common failure
is breakdown of the flyback HV winding, a
fairly expensive part to replace.

--Larry Brasfield
email: donotspam_larry_brasfield@hotmail.com
Above views may belong only to me.
When the picture suddenly goes on a t.v., what is it usually
due to?

Operation of the power switch.
I don't think this could be it, as there is sound, hence the power switch
must be delivering current.

Are you thinking of fixing a TV? If so, you will
be concerned with why yours is broken, not
common cases. That said, a common failure
is breakdown of the flyback HV winding, a
fairly expensive part to replace.
Are there cheap generic replacements? What is
expensive 10 Pounds or 100 Pounds ?
"Lessie" <lessie__@hotmail.com> wrote in message
When the picture suddenly goes on a t.v., what is it usually
due to?

Operation of the power switch.

I don't think this could be it, as there is sound, hence the power switch
must be delivering current.
Hmmm. I almost wrote that more symptoms would
help narrow the cause a bit. <g>

Are you thinking of fixing a TV? If so, you will
be concerned with why yours is broken, not
common cases. That said, a common failure
is breakdown of the flyback HV winding, a
fairly expensive part to replace.

Are there cheap generic replacements? What is
expensive 10 Pounds or 100 Pounds ?
They may have become generic lately. When I was
last looking into it. the transformers tended to have
so many taps, different output voltages, and primary
inductance values, that they were all different.

If you really want to diagnose your TV's problem,
it would help to describe more of what you can see,
especially with different input stimulii if they vary the
result. For example, how long after turn-on before
the picture "goes". What does "goes" look like?
Does it ever come back? Is there a change in the
sound emitted? Any odd smells? What can you
see when you open the cover and shine a light on
the circuit board(s)? Do you have any instruments
to apply to the task? Are you willing to purchase
the schematic for the set?

--Larry Brasfield
email: donotspam_larry_brasfield@hotmail.com
Above views may belong only to me.
Actually time to turn this one over to the repair shops and stop the
dribble!! IMHO
"Larry Brasfield" <donotspam_larry_brasfield@hotmail.com> wrote in message
"Lessie" <lessie__@hotmail.com> wrote in message
When the picture suddenly goes on a t.v., what is it usually
due to?

Operation of the power switch.

I don't think this could be it, as there is sound, hence the power switch
must be delivering current.

Hmmm. I almost wrote that more symptoms would
help narrow the cause a bit. <g

Are you thinking of fixing a TV? If so, you will
be concerned with why yours is broken, not
common cases. That said, a common failure
is breakdown of the flyback HV winding, a
fairly expensive part to replace.

Are there cheap generic replacements? What is
expensive 10 Pounds or 100 Pounds ?

They may have become generic lately. When I was
last looking into it. the transformers tended to have
so many taps, different output voltages, and primary
inductance values, that they were all different.

If you really want to diagnose your TV's problem,
it would help to describe more of what you can see,
especially with different input stimulii if they vary the
result. For example, how long after turn-on before
the picture "goes". What does "goes" look like?
Does it ever come back? Is there a change in the
sound emitted? Any odd smells? What can you
see when you open the cover and shine a light on
the circuit board(s)? Do you have any instruments
to apply to the task? Are you willing to purchase
the schematic for the set?

--Larry Brasfield
email: donotspam_larry_brasfield@hotmail.com
Above views may belong only to me.
Larry Brasfield wrote:
"Lessie" <lessie__@hotmail.com> wrote in message
When the picture suddenly goes on a t.v., what is it usually
due to?

Operation of the power switch.

Are you thinking of fixing a TV? If so, you will
be concerned with why yours is broken, not
common cases. That said, a common failure
is breakdown of the flyback HV winding, a
fairly expensive part to replace.

--Larry Brasfield

Larry you should just direct people to the proper newsgroup:
news:sci.electronics.repair where they will need to know the brand,
model and all the symptoms.

Former professional electron wrangler.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Again! It is blatantly apparent you do not have the technical quality to
attempt this type of repair, take the flippin thing to a professional
"Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell@earthlink.net> wrote in message
Larry Brasfield wrote:

"Lessie" <lessie__@hotmail.com> wrote in message
When the picture suddenly goes on a t.v., what is it usually
due to?

Operation of the power switch.

Are you thinking of fixing a TV? If so, you will
be concerned with why yours is broken, not
common cases. That said, a common failure
is breakdown of the flyback HV winding, a
fairly expensive part to replace.

--Larry Brasfield

Larry you should just direct people to the proper newsgroup:
news:sci.electronics.repair where they will need to know the brand,
model and all the symptoms.

Former professional electron wrangler.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

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