Hi there,
I've got a three way Central Filter, D-Link DSL-10CF plugged into
the only phone outlet, with modem and a couple phones plugged into
it correctly.
After another ADSL dropout today that coincided with me hanging up
after a phone call, I swapped the Central Filter for a spare, and
opened up the D-Link filter out of curiosity.
Was quite amazed to see that a component G1 is soldered into same
trace! See the photo linked below.
The G1 device looks like a large glass diode, probably over-voltage
protection across the line. Except it is not wired across the line,
both sides go to the same side of the line. The component outline
covers three holes in the PCB, and G1 was placed in two holes on
one side of telecom line, the remaining hole goes to the other side
of the telecom line.
This filter was delivered by Dodo along with a DSL-302G ADSL modem
back in 2004. Not as if I have a warranty claim, but it's odd
for such a fault to pass production? I would guess the phones and
modems have their protection as well, so no further damage done.
Anyway, to see the odd build error, try:
Wonder if this explained why I get ADSL dropouts anytime a storm goes
over? Or is that the norm?
I've got a three way Central Filter, D-Link DSL-10CF plugged into
the only phone outlet, with modem and a couple phones plugged into
it correctly.
After another ADSL dropout today that coincided with me hanging up
after a phone call, I swapped the Central Filter for a spare, and
opened up the D-Link filter out of curiosity.
Was quite amazed to see that a component G1 is soldered into same
trace! See the photo linked below.
The G1 device looks like a large glass diode, probably over-voltage
protection across the line. Except it is not wired across the line,
both sides go to the same side of the line. The component outline
covers three holes in the PCB, and G1 was placed in two holes on
one side of telecom line, the remaining hole goes to the other side
of the telecom line.
This filter was delivered by Dodo along with a DSL-302G ADSL modem
back in 2004. Not as if I have a warranty claim, but it's odd
for such a fault to pass production? I would guess the phones and
modems have their protection as well, so no further damage done.
Anyway, to see the odd build error, try:
Wonder if this explained why I get ADSL dropouts anytime a storm goes
over? Or is that the norm?