Fast linear ramp


John Larkin



John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc

lunatic fringe electronics
John Larkin wrote...

That's a better, more simple, circuit than your post
of the same name, dated 2012. Rather than over-write,
I renamed it Fast_Ramp_2. The BUF602 is one of the
top performers, and low Iq as well, in our x-Chapter
fast buffer table, and costs under $2, qty 100. Can
you tell us how well this ramp works? Scope pics?

- Win
On 2 May 2019 02:55:20 -0700, Winfield Hill <>

John Larkin wrote...

That's a better, more simple, circuit than your post
of the same name, dated 2012. Rather than over-write,
I renamed it Fast_Ramp_2. The BUF602 is one of the
top performers, and low Iq as well, in our x-Chapter
fast buffer table, and costs under $2, qty 100. Can
you tell us how well this ramp works? Scope pics?

Here it is tweaked a bit. It will be part of a test set, and will be
mightily reviewed, so the details will probably change. There is a
violent argument over the exact time ranges. Certain barbarian
engineers don't even want time ranges.

Yesterday's innovation was to use the other half of the 2G06 as a
range switch, and bootstrap its open drain. That may add a small hop
at the start, which is OK here.

The bootstrap thing with the BUF602 is new, but the basic 2G06 ramp
thing works. I'll post the actual ramp when it's built.

I might let one of the kids breadboard this bootstrap thing as an
educational exercize. It will probably work so I'd just go directly to
the PCB.

The problem with most all fast ramps is ringing at the start. And
linearity of course. Here's my test:


John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc

lunatic fringe electronics

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