
If the ideals circumstances are in EFFECT - a simpled organizations of what
we are as an INTERESTING SPECIES, - Then who is the Beholder of the
interrogation of what we are as an ideas interests in that all the internals
of what we see & put through as an "alternative study,"- are in fact a
MORONIC state of BEiNGS.

The essence of what it is to see some FORM, of mathematics arrive - that is
suitable to the overall indicators in this forum of "Magic Tablet" - is a
FORM, of discriminations in that all the ideas of what we -see-, as a form
of alterations, are in FACT a MORALITY ISSUE.

The FUNDAMENTAL PROVERBS - in math today - is so FULL OF shiT, that the
several calculation that are in FACT accurate - are NONE.

Beckon YOUR Reputation. & you know you already haVe.

EXPLANATiON: What this is - is a hit on Math, that math its self would
approve of. I know that.

Can you say the same?

Just find the rules to math & hit around them, - this is the KEY!

Welcome to

