Failed air conditioner run capacitor pictures

Hello all!

About eight years ago, the run cap in my outdoor A/C unit failed;
replacing it made it work fine for at least a few more years, until
I moved out of that house.

I found the dead cap while cleaning some stuff up, so I took some
pictures of it before tossing it. Maybe these will help someone
recognize a bad cap someday.

Matt Roberds
I actually considered gong and replacing thiose as part of the business. I could sell it on electronics theory, that when that cap is ˝ or ž bad, it is costing you money. In fac t I got personal evidence of that. wrote:
I actually considered gong and replacing thiose as part of the business. I could sell it on electronics theory, that when that cap is ˝ or ž bad, it is costing you money. In fac t I got personal evidence of that.

Sure you do. Half failed oil caps. Right. Sure. Unh huh.

Anyone wanting to run for any political office in the US should have to
have a DD214, and a honorable discharge.

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