FA: AES-11, Elctronic, Sciences & Engineering books

  • Thread starter news.houston.sbcglobal.ne
  • Start date


For auction: AES-11 Computer Embedded Controller

Elctronic, Computers, Sciences & Engineering books

I found ancient runes from news.houston.sbcglobal.net[user2@yahoo.com] in the
floor of sci.electronics.components:
For auction: AES-11 Computer Embedded Controller

Elctronic, Computers, Sciences & Engineering books
It's spam. The right place is sci.electronics.equipment.

'You receive a scroll of signature. It says:'
Chaos "You're trying to be good, you look like a troll to me"
MasterŽ - Posting from Porto Alegre - Brazil.
E-mail address for NEWS: fusca1500_br <at> yahoo.com. Change obvious.
Replies to the group unless absolutely needed(e.g. attachments).
In article <MPG.1a049868f9682b329896b5@news.cis.dfn.de>,
Chaos Master <fodder@hotmail.com> wrote:
in the
floor of sci.electronics.components:

For auction: AES-11 Computer Embedded Controller

Elctronic, Computers, Sciences & Engineering books

It's spam. The right place is sci.electronics.equipment.
Actually, the right place is misc.industry.electronics.marketplace .

But nothing is worse to your faith in mankind than trying to get the
weasels who post their forsale ads in s.e.e to move to m.i.e.m.

Mark Zenier mzenier@eskimo.com Washington State resident

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