James Waldby
FA - 800 issues CCI, DDJ, AMM, MM, CMJ, ACM CS, CACM
I'm selling the magazines listed below on ebay.
There are links to the auctions from my webpage
http://pat7.com/ja/msales.html .
These 12 auctions end Saturday afternoon, 16 October:
Circuit Cellar Ink - 3 issues - #30, #48, #68 93,94,96
Circuit Cellar Ink, 73 issues, #12-#83, 1990-1997
ACM Computing Surveys, 1973-1990, 69 issues
Dr. Dobbs Journal, 1990-1997, 93 issues + 2 supplements
Dr. Dobbs Journal, 1998-2004, 66 issues + 1 supplements
Communications of the ACM, 1973-1976, 44 CACM issues
Communications of the ACM, 1977-1980, 47 CACM issues
Communications of the ACM, 1981-1984, 48 CACM issues
Communications of the ACM, 1985-1988, 47 CACM issues
Communications of the ACM, 1989-1992, 48 CACM issues
Communications of the ACM, 1993-1996, 47 CACM issues
Communications of the ACM, 1997-2000, 39 CACM issues
These 3 auctions end on Tuesday 19 October:
American Mathematical Monthly, 1990-2002, 114 issues
Mathematics Magazine, 1989-2002, 62 issues
College Mathematics Journal, 1996-2002, 28 issues
This item is crossposted to sci.math, sci.electronics.design,
and comp.arch.embedded with Followup-To: sci.math
James Waldby
I'm selling the magazines listed below on ebay.
There are links to the auctions from my webpage
http://pat7.com/ja/msales.html .
These 12 auctions end Saturday afternoon, 16 October:
Circuit Cellar Ink - 3 issues - #30, #48, #68 93,94,96
Circuit Cellar Ink, 73 issues, #12-#83, 1990-1997
ACM Computing Surveys, 1973-1990, 69 issues
Dr. Dobbs Journal, 1990-1997, 93 issues + 2 supplements
Dr. Dobbs Journal, 1998-2004, 66 issues + 1 supplements
Communications of the ACM, 1973-1976, 44 CACM issues
Communications of the ACM, 1977-1980, 47 CACM issues
Communications of the ACM, 1981-1984, 48 CACM issues
Communications of the ACM, 1985-1988, 47 CACM issues
Communications of the ACM, 1989-1992, 48 CACM issues
Communications of the ACM, 1993-1996, 47 CACM issues
Communications of the ACM, 1997-2000, 39 CACM issues
These 3 auctions end on Tuesday 19 October:
American Mathematical Monthly, 1990-2002, 114 issues
Mathematics Magazine, 1989-2002, 62 issues
College Mathematics Journal, 1996-2002, 28 issues
This item is crossposted to sci.math, sci.electronics.design,
and comp.arch.embedded with Followup-To: sci.math
James Waldby