f(t) = 40 + 10t + (4+ t)sin(t)sin(10t)


Bret Cahill

For a good time paste this function in www.wolframalpha.com

Bret Cahill
Musatov wrote:

Bret Cahill wrote:
For a good time paste this function in www.wolframalpha.com

Bret Cahill

Funny. :)

Thanks, Bret.

Bret Cahill wrote:
For a good time paste this function in www.wolframalpha.com

Bret Cahill

Ah don' see no pitcha....

Brian W
"Brian Whatcott" <betwys1@sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
Bret Cahill wrote:
For a good time paste this function in www.wolframalpha.com

Bret Cahill

Ah don' see no pitcha....

Brian W
Type in sin(t) and click on the red '=' sign.
When you get the idea, try again.
Androcles wrote:
"Brian Whatcott" <betwys1@sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
Bret Cahill wrote:
For a good time paste this function in www.wolframalpha.com

Bret Cahill

Ah don' see no pitcha....

Brian W

Type in sin(t) and click on the red '=' sign.
When you get the idea, try again.

That was disappointing - that Wolfram's stuff couldn't handle
f(t) = 40 + 10t + (4+ t)sin(t)sin(10t)
solve f(t) = 40 + 10t + (4+ t)sin(t)sin(10t).

It must be pretty fragile.
Maybe it will get stronger.
Meanwhile, I'll stick with MatLab.

Brian W
"Brian Whatcott" <betwys1@sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
Androcles wrote:
"Brian Whatcott" <betwys1@sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
Bret Cahill wrote:
For a good time paste this function in www.wolframalpha.com

Bret Cahill

Ah don' see no pitcha....

Brian W

Type in sin(t) and click on the red '=' sign.
When you get the idea, try again.

That was disappointing - that Wolfram's stuff couldn't handle
f(t) = 40 + 10t + (4+ t)sin(t)sin(10t)
solve f(t) = 40 + 10t + (4+ t)sin(t)sin(10t).

It must be pretty fragile.
Maybe it will get stronger.
Meanwhile, I'll stick with MatLab.

Brian W
It works. Just leave off the 'f(t) =' part.

== All google group posts are automatically deleted due to spam ==
"Brian Whatcott" <betwys1@sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
Androcles wrote:
"Brian Whatcott" <betwys1@sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
Bret Cahill wrote:
For a good time paste this function in www.wolframalpha.com

Bret Cahill

Ah don' see no pitcha....

Brian W

Type in sin(t) and click on the red '=' sign.
When you get the idea, try again.

That was disappointing - that Wolfram's stuff couldn't handle
f(t) = 40 + 10t + (4+ t)sin(t)sin(10t)
solve f(t) = 40 + 10t + (4+ t)sin(t)sin(10t).

It must be pretty fragile.
Maybe it will get stronger.
Meanwhile, I'll stick with MatLab.
But it did handle it, it simply didn't like your syntax.
Copy and paste this:

40 + 10t + (4+ t)sin(t)sin(10t) =

I'm not sure what Cahill finds exciting about it, though.
BobW wrote:

That was disappointing - that Wolfram's stuff couldn't handle
f(t) = 40 + 10t + (4+ t)sin(t)sin(10t)
solve f(t) = 40 + 10t + (4+ t)sin(t)sin(10t).

It must be pretty fragile.
Maybe it will get stronger.
Meanwhile, I'll stick with MatLab.

Brian W

It works. Just leave off the 'f(t) =' part.

Got it!
I was hoping for more free form capability, I guess

Brian w
tadchem wrote:
On Jul 12, 7:23 am, iman islam <imanway2...@gmail.com> wrote:
What do Muslims think about Jesus?
I know that my article is not related to this group ,but it might be

..and then again, it may be totally useless as well as off-topic.

and the answer is available in many books. However, that requires
<gasp> reading a book.

What do Muslims think about Jesus?
I know that my article is not related to this group ,but it might be

PLEASE read it

What do Muslims think about Jesus?

Muslims respect and revere Jesus (SAW) and await his Second Coming.
They consider him one of the greatest of God’s messengers to mankind.
A Muslim never refers to him simply as ‘Jesus’, but always adds the
phrase ‘upon him be peace’. The Quran confirms his virgin birth (a
chapter of the Quran is entitled ‘Mary’), and Mary is considered the
purest woman in all creation. The Quran describes the Annunciation as

‘Behold!’ the Angel said, ‘God has chosen you, and purified you, and
chosen you above the women of all nations. O Mary, God gives you good
news of a word from Him, whose name shall be the Messiah, Jesus son of
Mary, honored in this world and the Hereafter, and one of those
brought near to God. He shall speak to the people from his cradle and
in maturity, and shall be of the righteous.’ She said: ‘O my Lord! How
shall I have a son when no man has touched me?’ He said: ‘Even so; God
creates what He will. When He decrees a thing He says to it, "Be!" and
it is.’ (Quran, 3.42-7)

Jesus (SAW) was born miraculously through the same power which had
brought Adam (SAW) into being without a father:

Truly, the likeness of Jesus with God is as the likeness of Adam. He
created him of dust, and then said to him, ‘Be!’ and he was. (3.59)
During his prophetic mission Jesus (SAW) performed many miracles. The
Quran tells us that he said:

‘I have come to you with a sign from your Lord: I make for you out of
clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it and it
becomes a bird by God’s leave. And I heal the blind, and the lepers,
and I raise the dead by God’s leave.’ (3.49)

Neither Muhammad (SAW) nor Jesus (SAW) came to change the basic
doctrine of the belief in One God, brought by earlier prophets, but to
confirm and renew it. In the Quran Jesus (SAW) is reported as saying
that he came:

‘To attest the law which was before me. And to make lawful to you paff
of what was forbidden you; I have come to you with a sign from your
Lord, so fear God and obey Me.’ (3:5O)

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:

‘Whoever believes there is no god but God, alone without partner, that
Muhammad (SAW) is His messenger, that Jesus is the servant and
messenger of God, His word breathed into Mary and a spirit emanating
from Him, and that Paradise and Hell are true, shall be received by
God into Heaven.’ (Hadith from Bukhari)


For more information about Islam









Contact Us At

On Jul 12, 7:23 am, iman islam <imanway2...@gmail.com> wrote:
What do Muslims think about Jesus?
 I know that my article is not related to this group ,but it might be
...and then again, it may be totally useless as well as off-topic.

Tom Davidson
Richmond, VA
On Sun, 12 Jul 2009 04:23:03 -0700 (PDT), iman islam
<imanway2010@gmail.com> wrote:

What do Muslims think about Jesus?
I know that my article is not related to this group ,but it might be
To whom? A proselytizing fanatic looking for converts?

More to the point, what do Muslims think about lying?

Responding to a post with material other than that in the subject line,
especially for the purpose of trying to entrap readers who would
otherwise not respond to a post with the subject line of:

"What do Muslims think about Jesus?"

Is, basically, lying about what you say you're talking about.

Does Allah allow that?

The Qur'an says:

Surah 7.33:

'The things that my Lord hath indeed forbidden are:
Shameful deeds, whether open or secret.
Sins and trespasses against truth or reason;'

Is it not shameful to pretend to be one thing while knowing you are

By posting to this thread and sucking on the interest in it haven't you
sinned and trespassed against reason?

"tadchem" <tadchem@comcast.net> wrote in message

Usenet is plagued with desperate trolls who can't get anything posted
on the moderated groups.

Most of them are mentally ill.

Tom Davidson
Richmond, VA
The mentally ill claim that YOU are mentally ill. How to decide?
Musatov wrote:
John Fields wrote:
On Sun, 12 Jul 2009 04:23:03 -0700 (PDT), iman islam
imanway2010@gmail.com> wrote:

What do Muslims think about Jesus?
I know that my article is not related to this group ,but it might be

To whom? A proselytizing fanatic looking for converts?

More to the point, what do Muslims think about lying?

Responding to a post with material other than that in the subject line,
especially for the purpose of trying to entrap readers who would
otherwise not respond to a post with the subject line of:

"What do Muslims think about Jesus?"

Is, basically, lying about what you say you're talking about.

Does Allah allow that?

The Qur'an says:

Surah 7.33:

'The things that my Lord hath indeed forbidden are:
Shameful deeds, whether open or secret.
Sins and trespasses against truth or reason;'

Is it not shameful to pretend to be one thing while knowing you are

By posting to this thread and sucking on the interest in it haven't you
sinned and trespassed against reason?

Why do nonsensical none math related terms like 'Muslim' keep popping
up? I don't buy the motivations of characters on USENET like 'Uncle
Al', I think the whole thing is a scam.

On Jul 12, 6:16 pm, Musatov <marty.musa...@gmail.com> wrote:
Musatov wrote:
John Fields wrote:
On Sun, 12 Jul 2009 04:23:03 -0700 (PDT), iman islam
imanway2...@gmail.com> wrote:

What do Muslims think about Jesus?
I know that my article is not related to this group ,but it might be

To whom?  A proselytizing fanatic looking for converts?

More to the point, what do Muslims think about lying?

Responding to a post with material other than that in the subject line,
especially for the purpose of trying to entrap readers who would
otherwise not respond to a post with the subject line of:

"What do Muslims think about Jesus?"

Is, basically, lying about what you say you're talking about.

Does Allah allow that?

The Qur'an says:

Surah 7.33:

'The things that my Lord hath indeed forbidden are:
Shameful deeds, whether open or secret.
Sins and trespasses against truth or reason;'

Is it not shameful to pretend to be one thing while knowing you are

By posting to this thread and sucking on the interest in it haven't you
sinned and trespassed against reason?


Why do nonsensical none math related terms like 'Muslim' keep popping
up? I don't buy the motivations of characters on USENET like 'Uncle
Al', I think the whole thing is a scam.
Usenet is plagued with desperate trolls who can't get anything posted
on the moderated groups.

Most of them are mentally ill.

Tom Davidson
Richmond, VA
Androcles wrote:
"tadchem" <tadchem@comcast.net> wrote in message

Usenet is plagued with desperate trolls who can't get anything posted
on the moderated groups.

Most of them are mentally ill.

Tom Davidson
Richmond, VA
The mentally ill claim that YOU are mentally ill. How to decide?

First, the secondary evidence:
is the poster anonymous?
Is the pseudonym fanciful or indicative of a role player whose grasp may
be attenuated?

Then the primary evidence:
is the poster respectful, whether agreeing or disagreeing?
Is the point a cogent one - or humorous, or amusingly cantankerous?
But above all, is the note relevant?

Those would be some criteria one could use, I suppose....

Brian W
"Brian Whatcott" <betwys1@sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
Androcles wrote:
"tadchem" <tadchem@comcast.net> wrote in message

Usenet is plagued with desperate trolls who can't get anything posted
on the moderated groups.

Most of them are mentally ill.

Tom Davidson
Richmond, VA
The mentally ill claim that YOU are mentally ill. How to decide?

First, the secondary evidence:
is the poster anonymous?
Is the pseudonym fanciful or indicative of a role player whose grasp may
be attenuated?

Then the primary evidence:
is the poster respectful, whether agreeing or disagreeing?
Is the point a cogent one - or humorous, or amusingly cantankerous?
But above all, is the note relevant?

Those would be some criteria one could use, I suppose....

Brian W
So in your estimation: being respectful, humorous and relevant
is primary evidence of mental illness.


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