BARRY SHOCK MOUNTS: these are used to cushion radios and other
electronic equipment from vibrations in vehicles or aircraft. Three
available: (The smaller type looks brand new)
1. Barry 1057-9 is a small single mount with two mounting ears on
bottom and a single 8-32 threaded hole on top, good for supporting
about 0.5 to 1.0 lbs. Asking 40 cents each or 4/$1.50 Shipping extra.
2. Barry 1057-6 is same as above, but with stronger spring to hold
about 1 to 2 lbs weight. Same price.
3. Barry 1057-5 is a larger dual unit with a plate on top w/ 4 bolt
holes and will handle about 2 to 6 lbs. 80 c or 4/$2.50
All are mostly aluminum, wt. 1.5 oz ea. for the singles and 6 oz.
for doubles. Small orders sent first class or priority mail. Photo
available on request. Please REMOVE the "NS" from my email to reply or
334-347-5281 day/eve/wknd.
electronic equipment from vibrations in vehicles or aircraft. Three
available: (The smaller type looks brand new)
1. Barry 1057-9 is a small single mount with two mounting ears on
bottom and a single 8-32 threaded hole on top, good for supporting
about 0.5 to 1.0 lbs. Asking 40 cents each or 4/$1.50 Shipping extra.
2. Barry 1057-6 is same as above, but with stronger spring to hold
about 1 to 2 lbs weight. Same price.
3. Barry 1057-5 is a larger dual unit with a plate on top w/ 4 bolt
holes and will handle about 2 to 6 lbs. 80 c or 4/$2.50
All are mostly aluminum, wt. 1.5 oz ea. for the singles and 6 oz.
for doubles. Small orders sent first class or priority mail. Photo
available on request. Please REMOVE the "NS" from my email to reply or
334-347-5281 day/eve/wknd.