Hi cadence users/developers
I am a student working on a research project on RF cmos ckts . I need
to incorporate inductors into my layout but the current extraction
deck I am having cant support inductor extraction . I need to know if
there are any free design kits (like NCSU CADENCE KIT) that can
support building and extraction of an inductor . If there is nothing
available where can I get the models and files if available
comercially for the process(AMI 0.5) I am using? Is it possible for a
student like me (with absolutely no knoledge of writing SKILL code or
any sort of experience in developing a verification deck) to write one
on my own ? are there any references that I can follow?
with regards
I am a student working on a research project on RF cmos ckts . I need
to incorporate inductors into my layout but the current extraction
deck I am having cant support inductor extraction . I need to know if
there are any free design kits (like NCSU CADENCE KIT) that can
support building and extraction of an inductor . If there is nothing
available where can I get the models and files if available
comercially for the process(AMI 0.5) I am using? Is it possible for a
student like me (with absolutely no knoledge of writing SKILL code or
any sort of experience in developing a verification deck) to write one
on my own ? are there any references that I can follow?
with regards