extracting mean/sigma from monteCarlo run, using ocean...

On Friday, 22 August 2008 at 14:04:04 UTC+5:30, AG wrote:
I want to run a script that runs monteCarlo for N number of runs and
extract the mean/median/sigma of a few parameters in a file.
I used the skill script (sourcelink ref no.11026072) , as suggested by
On ocean prompt, the following syntax returns true:
ocean> monteExpr( \"avgIvdd\" \"average(clip(IT(\\\"/V6/MINUS\\\") 1n 4n))\" )
ocean> t
and it returns error for
ocean> monteExpr( \"avgi\" \"average(clip(i(\"V6:p\") 2n 4n))\")
*Error* lineread/read: syntax error encountered in input
I still use both.
Then I run the analysis
ocean > monteRun()
But once the run is complete, still I get the error as follows:
mc1-003_tran: time = 4.875 ns (97.5 %), step = 1.076 ps
(21.5 m%)
Number of accepted tran steps = 2656.
Initial condition solution time = 1.9 s.
Intrinsic tran analysis time = 201.52 s.
Total time required for tran analysis `mc1-003_tran\' was 203.71 s (3m
Warning from spectre during transient analysis `mc1-003_tran\', during
Carlo analysis `mc1\'.
WARNING (SPECTRE-6006): 12979 warnings suppressed.

mc1-003_finalTimeOP: writing operating point information to rawfile.
mc1-003_modelParameter: writing model parameter values to rawfile.
mc1-003_element: writing instance parameter values to rawfile.
mc1-003_outputParameter: writing output parameter values to rawfile.
mc1-003_designParamVals: writing netlist parameters to rawfile.
mc1-003_primitives: writing primitives to rawfile.
mc1-003_subckts: writing subcircuits to rawfile.

Warning from spectre during Monte Carlo analysis `mc1\'.
WARNING (SPECTRE-16002): Monte Carlo iteration 3 terminated
because of following error(s):
Error found by spectre during Monte Carlo analysis `mc1\'.
ERROR (SPECTRE-8003): mc1-003_subckts: Error evaluating ocean
`avgIvdd=average(clip(IT(\"/V6/MINUS\") 1n 4n))\'.
Then after lots of warnings, following messege appears
**** Run Status for Monte Carlo analysis `mc1\' ****
Monte Carlo iteration 3 failed.
Total time required for montecarlo analysis `mc1\' was 207.19 s (3m
Warning from spectre.
WARNING (SPECTRE-6006): 12184 warnings suppressed.
Aggregate audit (10:20:16 AM, Fri Aug 22, 2008):
Time used: CPU = 212 s (3m 32.1s), elapsed = 228 s (3m 48.0s), util.
= 93%.
Time spent in licensing: elapsed = 20 ms.
Virtual memory used = 182 Mbytes.
spectre completes with 1 error, 38306 warnings, and 252 notices.
reading simulation data...
Monte Carlo Simulation completed successfully...
Loading stats.cxt
Errors with output expressions found:
\"avgIvdd\" does not evaluate properly.

Also, I observe that the skill script seems to be changing the
resultsDir to different path than what I specify in my ocean-script.
Another interesting thing is that I can plot the waveforms using
plot(clip(i(\"V6:p\") 1n 4n)))
but not using
plot(clip(IT(\\\"/V6/MINUS\\\") 1n 4n)))
Can somebody please help me how to solve the problem.

Could you post the Ocean script you used for running MC sim? I am unable to run the MC simulation. When I am running my script it is showing MC simulation as unsuccessful

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