A short question: has anyone tried to simulate extracted views and change the from the ocean environment?
I have, but didn't succeed... If I understand correctly, one can do this in several ways:
1) create a config file and bind the schematic to the extracted view;
2) bind the extracted view directrly from ADE using setup->environment options-> first two textboxes from the top...
I've tried to implement this in ocean and declare these lines in my script:
envOption('switchViewList '( "spectre" "cmos_sch" "cmos.sch" "schematicExtract" "veriloga" "ahdl"))
envOption('stopViewList '("spectre"))
The schematicExtract is my extracted schematic
but nothing changes, OCEAN still uses the simple schematic (not extract) during simulations...
By the way, I do not generate the netlist... maybe that's the case?
A short question: has anyone tried to simulate extracted views and change the from the ocean environment?
I have, but didn't succeed... If I understand correctly, one can do this in several ways:
1) create a config file and bind the schematic to the extracted view;
2) bind the extracted view directrly from ADE using setup->environment options-> first two textboxes from the top...
I've tried to implement this in ocean and declare these lines in my script:
envOption('switchViewList '( "spectre" "cmos_sch" "cmos.sch" "schematicExtract" "veriloga" "ahdl"))
envOption('stopViewList '("spectre"))
The schematicExtract is my extracted schematic
but nothing changes, OCEAN still uses the simple schematic (not extract) during simulations...
By the way, I do not generate the netlist... maybe that's the case?