extending the range of a RF remote


B Ghostrider

Hi there
I have this IR remote that I would like to get a little more
ramge not of it. Right now the remote can activate senor at about 40
foot. Would a high output IR LED increase in range. I am not looking
for a Big increase but ay 10 to 15 feet more would be nice.
There are some products on the market that are IR remote extenders. Many of
the audio/video stores should be handling these. You can try changing the IR
LED, but because the current drive to it is defined by the design of the
drive circuits to it, a higher power LED may infact lessen the output of the
remote. A redesign of the circuits driving the LED may also have to be
implemented to make any significant improvement.

To take the other approach and look for a higher efficiency LED, this would
require some research to properly match it.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG
WebPage http://www.zoom-one.com
Electronics http://www.zoom-one.com/electron.htm

"B Ghostrider" <Barryufp@hotmail.com> wrote in message
Hi there
I have this IR remote that I would like to get a little more
ramge not of it. Right now the remote can activate senor at about 40
foot. Would a high output IR LED increase in range. I am not looking
for a Big increase but ay 10 to 15 feet more would be nice.
B Ghostrider <Barryufp@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:<8q3f605e9a495lr6rm07m84df6k442v3im@4ax.com>...
Hi there
I have this IR remote that I would like to get a little more
ramge not of it. Right now the remote can activate senor at about 40
foot. Would a high output IR LED increase in range. I am not looking
for a Big increase but ay 10 to 15 feet more would be nice.
We've rustled up a Picaxe based IR detector that decodes Sony
remotes(see => www.picaxe.orcon.net.nz/irdemo.jpg ),& found optical
techniques the easiest way. Just position a magnifying glass at the
receiver- even the plastic lenses from disposable cameras work well.
Note you'll only get modest range increases,but should just manage
your needs, although "aiming" the remote may be more critical.
thanks I will give it a try
On 29 Mar 2004 10:54:41 -0800, manuka@orcon.net.nz (manuka) wrote:

B Ghostrider <Barryufp@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:<8q3f605e9a495lr6rm07m84df6k442v3im@4ax.com>...
Hi there
I have this IR remote that I would like to get a little more
ramge not of it. Right now the remote can activate senor at about 40
foot. Would a high output IR LED increase in range. I am not looking
for a Big increase but ay 10 to 15 feet more would be nice.
We've rustled up a Picaxe based IR detector that decodes Sony
remotes(see => www.picaxe.orcon.net.nz/irdemo.jpg ),& found optical
techniques the easiest way. Just position a magnifying glass at the
receiver- even the plastic lenses from disposable cameras work well.
Note you'll only get modest range increases,but should just manage
your needs, although "aiming" the remote may be more critical.

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