Explanation? Temporary Panasonic TV Video Misbehavior


Arthur Shapiro

The patient is a 27" Panasonic TV MODEL CT27X31 (or maybe 31U), about 2 years

Turned it on the other day, and got very strange behavior: the picture was
perfectly visible on all channels, but what appeared to be like a shooter's
target was superimposed. There was a circle of tan in the center, and
radiating outward were concentric rings of yellow, gree, blue, etc. The rings
were less circular as they moved outward from the center, being almost
diamonds at the outer edge of the screen.

I turned the TV off and on several times with no improvement. Then,
envisioning a big repair bill, I unplugged it for a few minutes. Upon
plugging back in, the problem was gone and it's been fine ever since.

Can anyone speculate on the failure? Did I inadvertantly enter some sort of
service mode? Or am I merely delaying the inevitability of a failure?

Degaussing circuit was probably interrupted partway through it's cycle, either
because the TV was rapidly turned on/off, or there's a problem with the
circuit, such as bad solder connections; nothing to get overly alarmed about;
if problem returns, take it to shop.

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