Nomen Nescio
We've said for several years that a collector in California by the name of Ryon Gambill, operating under the name of CPS and Marauder was using the credit bureaus as a tool for extorting monies he was not owed or entitled to from consumers. We published a site called marauderexposed and asked consumers with Marauder on their credit reports to contact Experian Information Services directly. We provided the Experian contact name and number.
Every consumer who responded back to us after talking with Experian told us there was no interest in stopping Ryon Gambill, that he was the paid subscriber and the consumer was giving Experian nothing.
Now, a well thought out law suit takes on Experian and is asking for a CLASS ACTION status. You can read the suit by downloading the file from www.marauderexposed.com
Ok, you hit a nerve...
I started to look into the services that the big three offer to Collectors awhile back. This is who they cater to and make big bucks from. Experian has been the worst for correcting data.
They do nothing to protect your information and constantly access it in the background by selling products to the Collection Agencies to monitor your data.
I reported this to the FTC saying they are selling services and software allowing access to personal data to the Collectors, and by doing this they are selling my personal information, but only got the normal response.
All this sales and investment in software tracking you, but they can't see what's in front of their face when you send them proof the Collector is wrong. :
Just review some time what they offer by clicking on the business services, then collections.
Here is Experian's we help you Collect site
This is nice to know..... improving your credit by settling with a creditor or two and old debt can come back to life, with a re-aged date of last activity.. ring, ring, surprise!
"With financial event triggers, you will know when to contact consumers regarding old debt as their financial status improves. Making accounts current, paying off debts in full and having funds available on an open bankcard are examples of triggers in this category..."
The collectors can monitor you for life with these triggers.
A handy little sales pamphlet.
Getting data corrected is almost impossible anymore. If it is something that benefits the consumer in their indifference with the collector, what benefit is it to them? If your trying to get out of debt by paying some debt it makes you wonder why you even bother. Your credit just gets worse and you'll get a call from someone like Marauder.
I hope this lawsuit opens up someone's eyes as to what really goes on between collectors and Experian.
Just another victim of debt collector abuse in battle against those who abuse
Great post V, thank you for taking the time to put that all together.
A lot of people (me included) have come to the conclusion that the entire "credit reporting" system is rigged to intentionally pollute consumer files with inaccurate negative information in order to damage our scores. What's their motivation? Simple: the lower our scores are the more interest creditors can charge us! It's so much better for them if we really are GOOD credit risks with intentionally sabotaged scores because we WILL do our damnedest to pay them AND they can safely charge us more than they should be able to for the honor!
Make no mistake about it, we the CONSUMERS are NOT their customers. The CRAs see us as the PRODUCT to be sold. Their customers are the creditors and debt collectors.
Years ago I had a doozy of a go-round with Experian regarding a collection account that I disputed. The trade line disappeared after I DV'd the CA and disputed with the CRA. Yay. A few months later the trade line reappeared with no notice. What the...? So I called EXP and asked what happened, why was this thing reinserted, they hadn't notified me, etc.
The EXP rep let it slip that the trade line hadn't been deleted in the first place. It had only been "suppressed". In other words, they just made it invisible for awhile! In the meantime the reinvestigations required by the FCRA were NOT done. Apparently they figured I'd just FORGET all about it??? That EXP rep was pretty cocky about it, basically taking the attitude of "you can't do anything because you have no proof."
Unfortunately for him I recorded the call ;D
Every consumer who responded back to us after talking with Experian told us there was no interest in stopping Ryon Gambill, that he was the paid subscriber and the consumer was giving Experian nothing.
Now, a well thought out law suit takes on Experian and is asking for a CLASS ACTION status. You can read the suit by downloading the file from www.marauderexposed.com
Ok, you hit a nerve...
I started to look into the services that the big three offer to Collectors awhile back. This is who they cater to and make big bucks from. Experian has been the worst for correcting data.
They do nothing to protect your information and constantly access it in the background by selling products to the Collection Agencies to monitor your data.
I reported this to the FTC saying they are selling services and software allowing access to personal data to the Collectors, and by doing this they are selling my personal information, but only got the normal response.
All this sales and investment in software tracking you, but they can't see what's in front of their face when you send them proof the Collector is wrong. :
Just review some time what they offer by clicking on the business services, then collections.
Here is Experian's we help you Collect site
This is nice to know..... improving your credit by settling with a creditor or two and old debt can come back to life, with a re-aged date of last activity.. ring, ring, surprise!
"With financial event triggers, you will know when to contact consumers regarding old debt as their financial status improves. Making accounts current, paying off debts in full and having funds available on an open bankcard are examples of triggers in this category..."
The collectors can monitor you for life with these triggers.
A handy little sales pamphlet.
Getting data corrected is almost impossible anymore. If it is something that benefits the consumer in their indifference with the collector, what benefit is it to them? If your trying to get out of debt by paying some debt it makes you wonder why you even bother. Your credit just gets worse and you'll get a call from someone like Marauder.
I hope this lawsuit opens up someone's eyes as to what really goes on between collectors and Experian.
Just another victim of debt collector abuse in battle against those who abuse
Great post V, thank you for taking the time to put that all together.
A lot of people (me included) have come to the conclusion that the entire "credit reporting" system is rigged to intentionally pollute consumer files with inaccurate negative information in order to damage our scores. What's their motivation? Simple: the lower our scores are the more interest creditors can charge us! It's so much better for them if we really are GOOD credit risks with intentionally sabotaged scores because we WILL do our damnedest to pay them AND they can safely charge us more than they should be able to for the honor!
Make no mistake about it, we the CONSUMERS are NOT their customers. The CRAs see us as the PRODUCT to be sold. Their customers are the creditors and debt collectors.
Years ago I had a doozy of a go-round with Experian regarding a collection account that I disputed. The trade line disappeared after I DV'd the CA and disputed with the CRA. Yay. A few months later the trade line reappeared with no notice. What the...? So I called EXP and asked what happened, why was this thing reinserted, they hadn't notified me, etc.
The EXP rep let it slip that the trade line hadn't been deleted in the first place. It had only been "suppressed". In other words, they just made it invisible for awhile! In the meantime the reinvestigations required by the FCRA were NOT done. Apparently they figured I'd just FORGET all about it??? That EXP rep was pretty cocky about it, basically taking the attitude of "you can't do anything because you have no proof."
Unfortunately for him I recorded the call ;D