Expansion capital available



Our International venture capital company is looking for profitable
businesses that need expansion capital for growth. Our firm is well
established since 1961. Our directors are scientists, doctors, bankers
and financial managers with a wide knowledge of fields and has business
alliances worldwide. Our firm is based in Switzerland with partners in
Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Asia, China and South America.
United States management is located in Miami.

We are looking for private stock corporations in growth industries. We
will purchase stock under certain conditions for investment. Our partners
will assist with the development of business plans, operations and sales.
There are no restrictions on the type of businesses we invest into other
than that we seek opportunities where growth is obvious with capital

Brief business plans may be submitted via email.

Send a one to three page text email (no graphics or photos at this time)
with the following information:

1. Business, products/services, primary markets
2. Management experience
3. Capital amount needed
4. Planned use of capital
5. Total assets, total liabilities
6. Shares authorized, shares outstanding, options outstanding.

Upon selection, we will translate the desired data into the required
foreign language for our partners. We will make you an offer and arrange
payment for a block of stock. Please contact us at our email address:

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