Euras,Winstip,RepairHelper,Shophelper & others



27" Memorex stereo tv model:MT1127,year:Oct99,UL listed:42GF.No power
but the micro & EEPROM and the tact switches have 5v I tested most
diodes with my Fluke model 29 Series II DMM and checked soldering.
There are tons of free Memorex service manual downloads at:

but they don't list model:MT1127 as it is not made by Orion or Emerson
but instead made by Vestel with a Vestel chassis of 11AK19 (also know
as 11AK19P5) and sold in many parts of the world as 27" Teac stereo
model:EU-68ST,chassis:11AK19 made in Turkey.
So if anyone has access to Euras:

if they could look up the repair tips (as Euras has tons of tips for
that chassis) of no power as the front red LED is lit constantly and
the green LED is not,note:the tv originally came from another repair
shop who replaced Q605=BU2508AF and when the customer took it home it
lasted 30 minutes then the tv shut off,the tv was then brought to me
where I found that Q605 WAS FINE.
After extensive troubleshooting without a schematic I found that the
HOT's collector voltage is only 13V when in fact it should be 115/150v
as lalebed on the board and the other standby voltage (16V) is only
13V,I disconnected parts connected to them and problem still there as
well I increased the ac outlet voltage from 0-120v ac and when the tv
reaches 70v ac the HOT's collector voltages fluactuates from 120-150
then as I increase the ac outlet voltage the voltage stabilizes at
So if anyone could look up repair tips at: ("aftermarket Tech-Assist")

Thanks in advance for help.

Dartmouth,Nova Scotia
Canada (Sidney) wrote in message news:<>...

27" Memorex stereo tv model:MT1127,year:Oct99,UL listed:42GF.No power
but the micro & EEPROM and the tact switches have 5v I tested most
diodes with my Fluke model 29 Series II DMM and checked soldering.

After extensive troubleshooting without a schematic I found that the
HOT's collector voltage is only 13V when in fact it should be 115/150v
as lalebed on the board and the other standby voltage (16V) is only
13V,I disconnected parts connected to them and problem still there as
well I increased the ac outlet voltage from 0-120v ac and when the tv
reaches 70v ac the HOT's collector voltages fluactuates from 120-150
then as I increase the ac outlet voltage the voltage stabilizes at

Thanks in advance for help.

Dartmouth,Nova Scotia
Try firing up with the EEPROM removed.
If EHT now comes up,your EEPROM is faulty.

-- Mo --
MO you are correct it was the EEPROM and from tips at:

I found that by unsoldering pins 5 & 6 of IC502=EEPROM Atmel # 24C08
the tv turned on but the horizontal size and vertical size was alot
smaller and the picture was bright with retrace lines as it is
understandable considering the EEPROM's pin 5 & 6 have been
According to many techs this Memorex model during warranty the
customer was given a replacement so hence why Memorex's site does not
list this Vestel chassis for free service manual downloads and
according to many techs parts & support are available since I am
looking for a propriatary part such as the EEPROM do you know if the
EEPROM can be reset? if not do you know of the Memorex part # for it?
and of an equivalent EEPROM? that I can use like:

where you can use and RCA EEPROM # 227716 to replace a Samsung EEPROM
in a Samung tv with no audio.Thanks in advance.

Dartmouth,Nova Scotia
"Sidney" <> wrote in message
MO you are correct it was the EEPROM and from tips at:

I found that by unsoldering pins 5 & 6 of IC502=EEPROM Atmel # 24C08
the tv turned on but the horizontal size and vertical size was alot
smaller and the picture was bright with retrace lines as it is
understandable considering the EEPROM's pin 5 & 6 have been
According to many techs this Memorex model during warranty the
customer was given a replacement so hence why Memorex's site does not
list this Vestel chassis for free service manual downloads and
according to many techs parts & support are available since I am
looking for a propriatary part such as the EEPROM
The 24C08 is quite a common, non-proprietary, EEPROM. You should be able to
obtain one from your parts dealer. Obviously a replacement EEPROM will be
empty, so you will have to program the service settings and TV stations
back when you install an replacement.

do you know if the
EEPROM can be reset?
You could erase its contents if you have something that can produce the
appropriate I2C signals. But probably your EEPROM is dead and blocking the
I2C bus. IOW you will have to replace it.

Peter van Merkerk

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