Ersa soldering station from Farnell


Trevor Wilson

I note that in the latest issue of Select, that Farnell is selling an Ersa
Soldering station for 190 Bucks. I've been lusting after an Ersa for several
years, but this offer seems to be pretty much irresistible. Any thoughts on
this iron? Reliability, etc?

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Trevor Wilson
Trevor Wilson wrote:
I note that in the latest issue of Select, that Farnell is selling an Ersa
Soldering station for 190 Bucks. I've been lusting after an Ersa for several
years, but this offer seems to be pretty much irresistible. Any thoughts on
this iron? Reliability, etc?

Any feedback would be appreciated.
I saw that one myself and thought it was a steal at that price.
We had several older model Ersa's at work for fine pitch SMD work, and
they were certainly my choice for SMD work. Although it's all to do
with the actual iron supplied. The one at work had this tiny iron and
cord which weighed almost nothing, real easy to hold in the hand and
control. I much prefer it over the Hakko and Pace units we have on the
bench now, and I love my Hakko so that's saying something. I don't know
which iron the Farnell ones comes with though, that could be

We have also used a larger fixed temp Ersa on the production floor and
they survived terrible abuse very well. Abuse like falling off benches,
being wheeled around the floor all day on rickety trolleys, and being
switched on and off dozens of times a day.

Thumbs up for the Ersa in my book.

Dave :)
"Trevor Wilson"
I note that in the latest issue of Select, that Farnell is selling an Ersa
Soldering station for 190 Bucks. I've been lusting after an Ersa for
several years, but this offer seems to be pretty much irresistible. Any
thoughts on this iron? Reliability, etc?

** The data on the Ersa site looks impressive, 80 watts of power so lots
of grunt and fast recovery.

One problem, the Farnell cat lists no tips or spares of any kind :-(

............ Phil
I note that in the latest issue of Select, that Farnell is selling an Ersa
Soldering station for 190 Bucks.
Can you provide its Part number or URL please?
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Trevor Wilson"

I note that in the latest issue of Select, that Farnell is selling an Ersa
Soldering station for 190 Bucks. I've been lusting after an Ersa for
several years, but this offer seems to be pretty much irresistible. Any
thoughts on this iron? Reliability, etc?

** The data on the Ersa site looks impressive, 80 watts of power so lots
of grunt and fast recovery.

One problem, the Farnell cat lists no tips or spares of any kind :-(
**Yeah, I noticed that. I'll chase down the Ersa distributor today and see
what transpires. BTW: Check out the peak power capacity of this puppy.
According to Ersa, it can deliver 290 Watts of peak power to the tip.

Trevor Wilson
"Yugo Ho" <> wrote in message
I note that in the latest issue of Select, that Farnell is selling an
Ersa Soldering station for 190 Bucks.

Can you provide its Part number or URL please?
**Farnell part# 476-8220 Search for RDS80

Trevor Wilson
Phil Allison wrote:
"Trevor Wilson"

I note that in the latest issue of Select, that Farnell is selling an Ersa
Soldering station for 190 Bucks. I've been lusting after an Ersa for
several years, but this offer seems to be pretty much irresistible. Any
thoughts on this iron? Reliability, etc?

** The data on the Ersa site looks impressive, 80 watts of power so lots
of grunt and fast recovery.

One problem, the Farnell cat lists no tips or spares of any kind :-(
This is 100% true, as long as you ignore the 8 type 842 tips and 6 type
832 tips shown on pg 706 of the 2005 Farnell cat.
Active Components also stock them.
"Trevor Wilson"
"Phil Allison"
I note that in the latest issue of Select, that Farnell is selling an
Ersa Soldering station for 190 Bucks. I've been lusting after an Ersa for
several years, but this offer seems to be pretty much irresistible. Any
thoughts on this iron? Reliability, etc?

** The data on the Ersa site looks impressive, 80 watts of power so lots
of grunt and fast recovery.

One problem, the Farnell cat lists no tips or spares of any kind :-(

**Yeah, I noticed that. I'll chase down the Ersa distributor today and see
what transpires. BTW: Check out the peak power capacity of this puppy.

According to Ersa, it can deliver 290 Watts of peak power to the tip.

** That is merely the start up power - ie when the tip is cold has has
low resistance.

............... Phil
Phil Allison

One problem, the Farnell cat lists no tips or spares of any kind :-(

This is 100% true, as long as you ignore the 8 type 842 tips and 6 type
832 tips shown on pg 706 of the 2005 Farnell cat.

** OK - but they were 6 pages away from the iron itself.

.............. Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
Phil Allison

One problem, the Farnell cat lists no tips or spares of any kind :-(

This is 100% true, as long as you ignore the 8 type 842 tips and 6 type
832 tips shown on pg 706 of the 2005 Farnell cat.

** OK - but they were 6 pages away from the iron itself.
**Right. That makes sense.

Trevor Wilson

It is $330 n this URL
"Yugo Ho"

It is $330 n this URL
** The OP wrote:

" I note that in the latest issue of Select, that Farnell is selling an
Soldering station for 190 Bucks .... "

" Select " is the regular mailer that Farnell use to inform account holders
of their monthly specials.

........ Phil
"Trevor Wilson" <> wrote in message
I note that in the latest issue of Select, that Farnell is selling an Ersa
Soldering station for 190 Bucks. I've been lusting after an Ersa for
several years, but this offer seems to be pretty much irresistible. Any
thoughts on this iron? Reliability, etc?

Any feedback would be appreciated.
If you have been LUSTING over it for years, why do you need feedback?
"two bob" <4> wrote in message
"Trevor Wilson" <> wrote in message
I note that in the latest issue of Select, that Farnell is selling an Ersa
Soldering station for 190 Bucks. I've been lusting after an Ersa for
several years, but this offer seems to be pretty much irresistible. Any
thoughts on this iron? Reliability, etc?

Any feedback would be appreciated.

If you have been LUSTING over it for years, why do you need feedback?
**Because I have no familiarity with the particular model sold by Farnell.
Well, I didn't. I do now. It is quite a nice iron, albeit with some issues.
Here's what I like:

* It has REAL grunt.
* It seems to offer very high accuracy of tip temperature.
* It heats reasonably quickly.
* It has a good range of microprocessor controlled features.
* It looks kinda nice.

Here's what I don't like:

* The iron cord is not heat proof. (Surprising, considering very cheap irons
now have such cords).
* The tips are quite large and difficult to squeeze into tight spots.

All in all, a worthwhile addition to the workshop.

Trevor Wilson
"Trevor Wilson"
**Because I have no familiarity with the particular model sold by Farnell.
Well, I didn't. I do now. It is quite a nice iron, albeit with some
issues. Here's what I like:

* It has REAL grunt.

** Very nice.

* It seems to offer very high accuracy of tip temperature.

** Nice.

* It heats reasonably quickly.

** Told ya the 290 watt thing was a phurphy.

* It has a good range of microprocessor controlled features.

** Like powering down when you forget it.

* It looks kinda nice.

** Never hurts.

Here's what I don't like:

* The iron cord is not heat proof. (Surprising, considering very cheap
irons now have such cords).

** Cripes - maybe it can be upgraded ?

* The tips are quite large and difficult to squeeze into tight spots.

** Huh - its only 8 mm dia.

What is the issue compared to say a Weller or Hakko ??

All in all, a worthwhile addition to the workshop.

** Is that feint praise ?

........... Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"Trevor Wilson"

**Because I have no familiarity with the particular model sold by
Farnell. Well, I didn't. I do now. It is quite a nice iron, albeit with
some issues. Here's what I like:

* It has REAL grunt.

** Very nice.

* It seems to offer very high accuracy of tip temperature.

** Nice.

* It heats reasonably quickly.

** Told ya the 290 watt thing was a phurphy.

* It has a good range of microprocessor controlled features.

** Like powering down when you forget it.

* It looks kinda nice.

** Never hurts.

Here's what I don't like:

* The iron cord is not heat proof. (Surprising, considering very cheap
irons now have such cords).

** Cripes - maybe it can be upgraded ?
**Maybe. It'd require some surgery though.

* The tips are quite large and difficult to squeeze into tight spots.

** Huh - its only 8 mm dia.

What is the issue compared to say a Weller or Hakko ??
**After using the 0.4mm tip, I find the size thing not much of an issue. I
can imagine that in a tight spot it could be a problem.

All in all, a worthwhile addition to the workshop.

** Is that feint praise ?
**Nope. I've used it for the following over the last few days:

* Desoldering and re-soldering DIP ICs.
* Desoldering and re-soldering various passives and various styles of
* Removing and replacing SMD ICs.
* Removing and replacing copper shielding around front end assemblies.

It has performed all the above functions perfectly. It is a MUCH better iron
than the Microns, Wellers and others I have used previously. I've used a
Hakko and I feel it is probably a little better than that too. Still, my
only long term experience with Hakkos is with my Hakko desoldering station
(which is presently buggered).

Trevor Wilson
RDS 80 soldering station A$149 at Elenex exhibition at Sydney
Don Gravos wrote:
RDS 80 soldering station A$149 at Elenex exhibition at Sydney
Crikey that's cheap.
I wonder why they are clearing out this model so cheaply?

What did you think of the show this year? I'm going today.

Dave :)

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