error with PKS place/route cap.M1 layer



hello all
i am having following problem.
i am using PKS for synthesis and place/route my design.
i am using VTVTlib25 0.25 micron design kit.i am reading all my vhdl
files and using do_build_generic for netlist creation.but when i read
technology files using folloing commands,

read_tlf vtvtlib25.tlf
read_lef vtvtlib25.lef

i get following error messages:

==> ERROR: capacitance for routing layer metal1 is not defined
Info: <PLC-501>.
Info: Qplace failed. <PLC-889>.
Overall P&R CPU time = 1.540000 seconds. <PLC-530>.
Command _do_place finished at Wed Apr 7 07:41:05 2004
using 0:0:2 Real time. Current peak memory: 113.834MB

vtvtlib25 has .lef files supplied but did not have .tlf files supplied
with it,so i had to convert them using syn2tlf.
(vtvt have synopsys .lib files supplied with it )
is this error becoz of this conversion???
did i miss something in the conversion ??
as NCSU does mentions about making some changes in the techfile.
please help me through this.

hi there
i m trying to read comments posted for the query posted byNilesh as
this message says there are 5 messeges posted in reply to it,but
couldnt read it.
can you plz take a look in this
thnks a lot
jen (Nilesh) wrote in message news:<>...
hello all
i am having following problem.
i am using PKS for synthesis and place/route my design.
i am using VTVTlib25 0.25 micron design kit.i am reading all my vhdl
files and using do_build_generic for netlist creation.but when i read
technology files using folloing commands,

read_tlf vtvtlib25.tlf
read_lef vtvtlib25.lef

i get following error messages:

==> ERROR: capacitance for routing layer metal1 is not defined
Info: <PLC-501>.
Info: Qplace failed. <PLC-889>.
Overall P&R CPU time = 1.540000 seconds. <PLC-530>.
Command _do_place finished at Wed Apr 7 07:41:05 2004
using 0:0:2 Real time. Current peak memory: 113.834MB

vtvtlib25 has .lef files supplied but did not have .tlf files supplied
with it,so i had to convert them using syn2tlf.
(vtvt have synopsys .lib files supplied with it )
is this error becoz of this conversion???
did i miss something in the conversion ??
as NCSU does mentions about making some changes in the techfile.
please help me through this.


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