Error when importing GDS file



Dear all,

When I tried to import a GDS file from CIW, File-->import-->Stream,
there are some errors:
Anybody know the reason?

Thanks in advance,

\o Added CIW menu.
\w *WARNING* No user triggers registered for viewType schematic.
\w *WARNING* No user triggers registered for viewType schematicSymbol.
\a hiCloseWindow(window(2))
\r t
\a setPIPOForm("StreamIn")
\w *WARNING* No user triggers registered for viewType maskLayout.
\e *Error* eval: undefined function - setPIPOForm
\e <<< Stack Trace >>>
\e setPIPOForm("StreamIn")
\a hiResizeWindow(window(1) list(278:0 1003:414))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(window(1) list(234:313 959:727))
\r t
Adam wrote, on 02/05/09 17:10:
Dear all,

When I tried to import a GDS file from CIW, File-->import-->Stream,
there are some errors:
Anybody know the reason?

Thanks in advance,

\o Added CIW menu.
\w *WARNING* No user triggers registered for viewType schematic.
\w *WARNING* No user triggers registered for viewType schematicSymbol.
\a hiCloseWindow(window(2))
\r t
\a setPIPOForm("StreamIn")
\w *WARNING* No user triggers registered for viewType maskLayout.
\e *Error* eval: undefined function - setPIPOForm
\e <<< Stack Trace
\e setPIPOForm("StreamIn")
\a hiResizeWindow(window(1) list(278:0 1003:414))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(window(1) list(234:313 959:727))
\r t
I've seen a few cases of this happening before - usually when somebody has an
old ciw.menus file (do a "cdswhich -all menus" to see if you have a menus
directory being set in some customization, and see if it has ciw.menus within
that directory, which has an old definition of the stream out menu).

It should be calling this function to display the form:


What IC version are you using (icfb -W)?


Hi Andrew,

Thank you so much.

icfb version is

I have found the file ciw.menus, and the related contant is below:
what am I supposed to do to fix this error?


; from "/ncsu/cadence/tools/dfII/etc/tools/menus/ciw.menus"

unless( getShellEnvVar( "CDS_SITE" ) == nil

ciwFilePulldown = '(ciwFileMenu "File" (
(NewSlider "New" (
(LibraryItem "Library ..." "hiDisplayForm
( NCSU_createLibForm )")
(OtherItem "Cellview ..." "deNew()")
(OpenItem "Open ..." "deOpen()")
(ImportItem "Import" (
(EDIFIn "EDIF ..." "edifinDisplay
(VerilogIn "Verilog ..." "impHdlDisplay
(VHDLIn "VHDL ..." "vhdlHiImport()")
(CALMPIn "CALMP ..." "calmpDisplay
(SDLIn "SDL ..." "transSdlInDisplay()")
(CDLIn "CDL ..." "transCdlInDisplay()")
(DEFIn "DEF ..." "prtDEFInCB()")
(LEFIn "LEF ..." "prtLEFInCB()")
(TEGASIn "TEGAS ..." "transTegasInDisplay()")
(SILOSIn "SILOS ..." "transSilosInDisplay()")
(StreamIn "Stream ..." "setPIPOForm(\"StreamIn\")")
(AppliconI "Applicon ..." "pipoDisplay(transAplInForm)")
(CIFIn "CIF ..." "setPIPOForm(\"CIFin\")")
) )
(ExportItem "Export" (
(EDIFOut "EDIF ..." "edifDisplay
(PRFlattenOut "PRFlatten ..." "adpFlatten()")
(CDLOut "CDL ..." "transCdlOutDisplay
(DEFOut "DEF ..." "prtDEFOutCB()")
(LEFOut "LEF ..." "prtLEFOutCB()")
(StreamOut "Stream ..." "setPIPOForm(\"StreamOut\")")
(AppliconOut "Applicon ..." "pipoDisplay
(CIFOut "CIF ..." "setPIPOForm(\"CIFout\")")
) )
(RefreshItem "Refresh ..." "ddsHiRefresh()")
(ReadOnlyItem "Make Read Only ..." "ddsHiMakeReadOnly()")
(NewsItem "What's New ..." "ddsWhatsNew()")
(ExitItem "Exit ..." "ciwHiExit()")

tfNew = '(newItem "New ..." "tcDisplayNewTechForm()")
tfLoad = '(loadItem "Load ..." "tcDisplayLoadTechForm()")
tfDump = '(dumpItem "Dump ..." "tcDisplayDumpTechForm()")
tfDiscard = '(discardItem "Discard ..."
tfCheck = '(checkItem "Check ..." "tcDisplayCheckTechForm
tfSave = '(SaveItem "Save ..."
; tfAttach = '(attachItem "Attach To ..." "tcDisplayAttachTechForm
tfAttach = '(attachItem "Attach To ..." "NCSU_attachTechForm()")
tfLayers = '(layersItem "Edit Layers ..." "hiLayerDispMainForm()")

ciwTechFilePulldown = '(ciwTechFile "Technology File" (


Andrew Beckett wrote:
Adam wrote, on 02/05/09 17:10:
Dear all,

When I tried to import a GDS file from CIW, File-->import-->Stream,
there are some errors:
Anybody know the reason?

Thanks in advance,

\o Added CIW menu.
\w *WARNING* No user triggers registered for viewType schematic.
\w *WARNING* No user triggers registered for viewType schematicSymbol.
\a hiCloseWindow(window(2))
\r t
\a setPIPOForm("StreamIn")
\w *WARNING* No user triggers registered for viewType maskLayout.
\e *Error* eval: undefined function - setPIPOForm
\e <<< Stack Trace
\e setPIPOForm("StreamIn")
\a hiResizeWindow(window(1) list(278:0 1003:414))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(window(1) list(234:313 959:727))
\r t

I've seen a few cases of this happening before - usually when somebody has an
old ciw.menus file (do a "cdswhich -all menus" to see if you have a menus
directory being set in some customization, and see if it has ciw.menus within
that directory, which has an old definition of the stream out menu).

It should be calling this function to display the form:


What IC version are you using (icfb -W)?


Hi Andrew,

By the way, I am not using NCSU design kit,(it was used before). I
am using IBM design kit. In the file,
it still shows NCSU, is there something I was missing?

Thanks again,

Adam wrote:
Hi Andrew,

Thank you so much.

icfb version is

I have found the file ciw.menus, and the related contant is below:
what am I supposed to do to fix this error?


; from "/ncsu/cadence/tools/dfII/etc/tools/menus/ciw.menus"

unless( getShellEnvVar( "CDS_SITE" ) == nil

ciwFilePulldown = '(ciwFileMenu "File" (
(NewSlider "New" (
(LibraryItem "Library ..." "hiDisplayForm
( NCSU_createLibForm )")
(OtherItem "Cellview ..." "deNew()")
(OpenItem "Open ..." "deOpen()")
(ImportItem "Import" (
(EDIFIn "EDIF ..." "edifinDisplay
(VerilogIn "Verilog ..." "impHdlDisplay
(VHDLIn "VHDL ..." "vhdlHiImport()")
(CALMPIn "CALMP ..." "calmpDisplay
(SDLIn "SDL ..." "transSdlInDisplay()")
(CDLIn "CDL ..." "transCdlInDisplay()")
(DEFIn "DEF ..." "prtDEFInCB()")
(LEFIn "LEF ..." "prtLEFInCB()")
(TEGASIn "TEGAS ..." "transTegasInDisplay()")
(SILOSIn "SILOS ..." "transSilosInDisplay()")
(StreamIn "Stream ..." "setPIPOForm(\"StreamIn\")")
(AppliconI "Applicon ..." "pipoDisplay(transAplInForm)")
(CIFIn "CIF ..." "setPIPOForm(\"CIFin\")")
) )
(ExportItem "Export" (
(EDIFOut "EDIF ..." "edifDisplay
(PRFlattenOut "PRFlatten ..." "adpFlatten()")
(CDLOut "CDL ..." "transCdlOutDisplay
(DEFOut "DEF ..." "prtDEFOutCB()")
(LEFOut "LEF ..." "prtLEFOutCB()")
(StreamOut "Stream ..." "setPIPOForm(\"StreamOut\")")
(AppliconOut "Applicon ..." "pipoDisplay
(CIFOut "CIF ..." "setPIPOForm(\"CIFout\")")
) )
(RefreshItem "Refresh ..." "ddsHiRefresh()")
(ReadOnlyItem "Make Read Only ..." "ddsHiMakeReadOnly()")
(NewsItem "What's New ..." "ddsWhatsNew()")
(ExitItem "Exit ..." "ciwHiExit()")

tfNew = '(newItem "New ..." "tcDisplayNewTechForm()")
tfLoad = '(loadItem "Load ..." "tcDisplayLoadTechForm()")
tfDump = '(dumpItem "Dump ..." "tcDisplayDumpTechForm()")
tfDiscard = '(discardItem "Discard ..."
tfCheck = '(checkItem "Check ..." "tcDisplayCheckTechForm
tfSave = '(SaveItem "Save ..."
; tfAttach = '(attachItem "Attach To ..." "tcDisplayAttachTechForm
tfAttach = '(attachItem "Attach To ..." "NCSU_attachTechForm()")
tfLayers = '(layersItem "Edit Layers ..." "hiLayerDispMainForm()")

ciwTechFilePulldown = '(ciwTechFile "Technology File" (


Andrew Beckett wrote:
Adam wrote, on 02/05/09 17:10:
Dear all,

When I tried to import a GDS file from CIW, File-->import-->Stream,
there are some errors:
Anybody know the reason?

Thanks in advance,

\o Added CIW menu.
\w *WARNING* No user triggers registered for viewType schematic.
\w *WARNING* No user triggers registered for viewType schematicSymbol.
\a hiCloseWindow(window(2))
\r t
\a setPIPOForm("StreamIn")
\w *WARNING* No user triggers registered for viewType maskLayout.
\e *Error* eval: undefined function - setPIPOForm
\e <<< Stack Trace
\e setPIPOForm("StreamIn")
\a hiResizeWindow(window(1) list(278:0 1003:414))
\r t
\a hiResizeWindow(window(1) list(234:313 959:727))
\r t

I've seen a few cases of this happening before - usually when somebody has an
old ciw.menus file (do a "cdswhich -all menus" to see if you have a menus
directory being set in some customization, and see if it has ciw.menus within
that directory, which has an old definition of the stream out menu).

It should be calling this function to display the form:


What IC version are you using (icfb -W)?


Adam wrote, on 02/05/09 19:36:
Hi Andrew,

By the way, I am not using NCSU design kit,(it was used before). I
am using IBM design kit. In the file,
it still shows NCSU, is there something I was missing?

Thanks again,

Adam wrote:
Hi Andrew,

Thank you so much.

icfb version is

I have found the file ciw.menus, and the related contant is below:
what am I supposed to do to fix this error?

That menus file is either very old, or requires some customization that you
don't have.

I'm not quite sure how it is being picked up - is the Unix $CDS_SITE variable
being set and pointed at that directory?

If so, can you try doing:

unsetenv CDS_SITE

before starting icfb?


Hi Adrew,

Thanks a lot. I tried " unsetenv CDS_SITE" before starting icfb, it
works now! The form shows up.

I got a new problem, when I tried to import the gds file, there is
another error in CIW:

\o *WARNING* Unable to open technology file '/.../techfile.cds'.
\o Permission denied.
\o WARNING (69): Failed to open the technology file `techfile.cds'
from the library `cms9flp' in the append mode. Undefined layer-purpose
pairs will not be translated.
\o *WARNING* Couldn't get a write lock for "/.../pci_5/TGPCIM3/layout/
\o it is currently "write" locked by user ... on machine ...
(since Fri Feb 6 10:26:33 2009 EST.)
\o *WARNING* XXopen: failed to lock file /.../pci_5/TGPCIM3/layout/
layout.cdb in A_MODE mode - is currently "write" locked by user ...
on machine ... (since Fri Feb 6 10:26:33 2009 EST.)
\o * Fatal * dbOpenCellViewByType: Failed to open cellView (TGPCIM3
layout) from lib (pci_5). File locking problem.
\o FATAL (76): Failed to create the cellview `pci_5/TGPCIM3/layout'.
Check that you have permissions to create this cellview.

When I tried to import another gds file, there is this error:

\o *WARNING* Unable to open technology file '/.../techfile.cds'.
\o Permission denied.
\o WARNING (69): Failed to open the technology file `techfile.cds'
from the library `cms9flp' in the append mode. Undefined layer-purpose
pairs will not be translated.
\o FATAL (299): Stream In is unable to find the structure definition
for the primary cell in the stream file. Ensure that you have
specified the correct values with the Primary Cell and Input Stream
File options.

Thanks again,


Andrew Beckett wrote:
Adam wrote, on 02/05/09 19:36:
Hi Andrew,

By the way, I am not using NCSU design kit,(it was used before). I
am using IBM design kit. In the file,
it still shows NCSU, is there something I was missing?

Thanks again,

Adam wrote:
Hi Andrew,

Thank you so much.

icfb version is

I have found the file ciw.menus, and the related contant is below:
what am I supposed to do to fix this error?


That menus file is either very old, or requires some customization that you
don't have.

I'm not quite sure how it is being picked up - is the Unix $CDS_SITE variable
being set and pointed at that directory?

If so, can you try doing:

unsetenv CDS_SITE

before starting icfb?


Answers below:

Adam wrote, on 02/06/09 16:10:
Hi Adrew,

Thanks a lot. I tried " unsetenv CDS_SITE" before starting icfb, it
works now! The form shows up.

I got a new problem, when I tried to import the gds file, there is
another error in CIW:

\o *WARNING* Unable to open technology file '/.../techfile.cds'.
\o Permission denied.
\o WARNING (69): Failed to open the technology file `techfile.cds'
from the library `cms9flp' in the append mode. Undefined layer-purpose
pairs will not be translated.
\o *WARNING* Couldn't get a write lock for "/.../pci_5/TGPCIM3/layout/
\o it is currently "write" locked by user ... on machine ...
(since Fri Feb 6 10:26:33 2009 EST.)
\o *WARNING* XXopen: failed to lock file /.../pci_5/TGPCIM3/layout/
layout.cdb in A_MODE mode - is currently "write" locked by user ...
on machine ... (since Fri Feb 6 10:26:33 2009 EST.)
\o * Fatal * dbOpenCellViewByType: Failed to open cellView (TGPCIM3
layout) from lib (pci_5). File locking problem.
\o FATAL (76): Failed to create the cellview `pci_5/TGPCIM3/layout'.
Check that you have permissions to create this cellview.
Somebody else (maybe you?) has the cellView open for edit already. Since the
stream in is a background process, if you have it open for edit in the icfb
session, it will be locked. Try doing a File->Close Data or a File->Make
Readonly before doing the stream in.

When I tried to import another gds file, there is this error:

\o *WARNING* Unable to open technology file '/.../techfile.cds'.
\o Permission denied.
\o WARNING (69): Failed to open the technology file `techfile.cds'
from the library `cms9flp' in the append mode. Undefined layer-purpose
pairs will not be translated.
\o FATAL (299): Stream In is unable to find the structure definition
for the primary cell in the stream file. Ensure that you have
specified the correct values with the Primary Cell and Input Stream
File options.
You specified a top cell on the form which doesn't exist in the stream file. You
can omit the top cell name if you want, and it will read in all cells in the
stream file.

Best Regards,

Hi Adrew,

I followed your advice and they work now. Thanks a lot!

Best regards,

Andrew Beckett wrote:
Answers below:

Adam wrote, on 02/06/09 16:10:
Hi Adrew,

Thanks a lot. I tried " unsetenv CDS_SITE" before starting icfb, it
works now! The form shows up.

I got a new problem, when I tried to import the gds file, there is
another error in CIW:

\o *WARNING* Unable to open technology file '/.../techfile.cds'.
\o Permission denied.
\o WARNING (69): Failed to open the technology file `techfile.cds'
from the library `cms9flp' in the append mode. Undefined layer-purpose
pairs will not be translated.
\o *WARNING* Couldn't get a write lock for "/.../pci_5/TGPCIM3/layout/
\o it is currently "write" locked by user ... on machine ...
(since Fri Feb 6 10:26:33 2009 EST.)
\o *WARNING* XXopen: failed to lock file /.../pci_5/TGPCIM3/layout/
layout.cdb in A_MODE mode - is currently "write" locked by user ...
on machine ... (since Fri Feb 6 10:26:33 2009 EST.)
\o * Fatal * dbOpenCellViewByType: Failed to open cellView (TGPCIM3
layout) from lib (pci_5). File locking problem.
\o FATAL (76): Failed to create the cellview `pci_5/TGPCIM3/layout'.
Check that you have permissions to create this cellview.

Somebody else (maybe you?) has the cellView open for edit already. Since the
stream in is a background process, if you have it open for edit in the icfb
session, it will be locked. Try doing a File->Close Data or a File->Make
Readonly before doing the stream in.

When I tried to import another gds file, there is this error:

\o *WARNING* Unable to open technology file '/.../techfile.cds'.
\o Permission denied.
\o WARNING (69): Failed to open the technology file `techfile.cds'
from the library `cms9flp' in the append mode. Undefined layer-purpose
pairs will not be translated.
\o FATAL (299): Stream In is unable to find the structure definition
for the primary cell in the stream file. Ensure that you have
specified the correct values with the Primary Cell and Input Stream
File options.

You specified a top cell on the form which doesn't exist in the stream file. You
can omit the top cell name if you want, and it will read in all cells in the
stream file.

Best Regards,


Welcome to

