error in cadence simulation



Dear all,
I was trying to run a simple simulation in cadence Spectre. I got the
following error. Any idea what it could mean?.
*Error* Errors encountered during simulation. The simulator run log
has not been generated.
Possible cause could be an invalid command line option for the version
of the simulator
specified in the userCmdLineOption field are supported for the
Alternatively, run the simulator standalone using the runSimulation
file in the netlist
directory to know the exact cause of the error.
Since I'm new to schematic, I'm not sure about the error. I also tried
running the netlist as said in the error message, but it didn't work(I
tried simulating both 'input.scs' and 'runSimualtion' file ).

The following is the error message i got when i tried to run the
simulation in the netlist directory
/cad/tools/cadencetools/mmsim_6_1/tools/bin/spectre: line 180: 8906
Killed /cad/tools/cadencetools/mmsim_6_1/tools.lnx86/
spectre/bin/spectre input.scs

Thanks and regards,
lokesh wrote, on 03/26/10 11:36:
Dear all,
I was trying to run a simple simulation in cadence Spectre. I got the
following error. Any idea what it could mean?.
*Error* Errors encountered during simulation. The simulator run log
has not been generated.
Possible cause could be an invalid command line option for the version
of the simulator
specified in the userCmdLineOption field are supported for the
Alternatively, run the simulator standalone using the runSimulation
file in the netlist
directory to know the exact cause of the error.
Since I'm new to schematic, I'm not sure about the error. I also tried
running the netlist as said in the error message, but it didn't work(I
tried simulating both 'input.scs' and 'runSimualtion' file ).

The following is the error message i got when i tried to run the
simulation in the netlist directory
/cad/tools/cadencetools/mmsim_6_1/tools/bin/spectre: line 180: 8906
Killed /cad/tools/cadencetools/mmsim_6_1/tools.lnx86/
spectre/bin/spectre input.scs

Thanks and regards,

It's most likely a problem with missing shared libraries.

Also, that is a rather old (and unsupported) version of MMSIM (assuming it
really is MMSIM61).

If you just run "./runSimulation" what is the error?


Hi Andrew,
Thanks for your reply. I got the following error when I ran "./
/cad/tools/cadencetools/mmsim_6_1/tools/bin/spectre: line 180: 25855
Killed /cad/tools/cadencetools/mmsim_6_1/tools.lnx86/
spectre/bin/spectre -env artist5.1.0 +escchars +log ../psf/spectre.out
+inter=mpsc +mpssession=spectre0_8503_2 -format sst2 -raw ../psf
+lqtimeout 900 -maxw 5 -maxn 5 input.scs

Andrew Beckett wrote:
lokesh wrote, on 03/26/10 11:36:
Dear all,
I was trying to run a simple simulation in cadence Spectre. I got the
following error. Any idea what it could mean?.
*Error* Errors encountered during simulation. The simulator run log
has not been generated.
Possible cause could be an invalid command line option for the version
of the simulator
specified in the userCmdLineOption field are supported for the
Alternatively, run the simulator standalone using the runSimulation
file in the netlist
directory to know the exact cause of the error.
Since I'm new to schematic, I'm not sure about the error. I also tried
running the netlist as said in the error message, but it didn't work(I
tried simulating both 'input.scs' and 'runSimualtion' file ).

The following is the error message i got when i tried to run the
simulation in the netlist directory
/cad/tools/cadencetools/mmsim_6_1/tools/bin/spectre: line 180: 8906
Killed /cad/tools/cadencetools/mmsim_6_1/tools.lnx86/
spectre/bin/spectre input.scs

Thanks and regards,

It's most likely a problem with missing shared libraries.

Also, that is a rather old (and unsupported) version of MMSIM (assuming it
really is MMSIM61).

If you just run "./runSimulation" what is the error?


lokesh wrote, on 03/28/10 11:38:
Hi Andrew,
Thanks for your reply. I got the following error when I ran "./
/cad/tools/cadencetools/mmsim_6_1/tools/bin/spectre: line 180: 25855
Killed /cad/tools/cadencetools/mmsim_6_1/tools.lnx86/
spectre/bin/spectre -env artist5.1.0 +escchars +log ../psf/spectre.out
+inter=mpsc +mpssession=spectre0_8503_2 -format sst2 -raw ../psf
+lqtimeout 900 -maxw 5 -maxn 5 input.scs
Odd. Try typing (without line wrapping - so all on one line):

/cad/tools/cadencetools/mmsim_6_1/tools.lnx86/spectre/bin/spectre -env
artist5.1.0 +escchars +log ../psf/spectre.out -format sst2 -raw ../psf
+lqtimeout 900 -maxw 5 -maxn 5 input.scs

And see what it says.



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