Error in Assembly stage.


Kelvin @ SG

Hi, there:

I could get all my three modules placed and routed, now how do I fix this
error? There is one thing strange, the
"Rejected due to connectivity: 1 out of 3361", what is causing
the connectivity to be changed?

Best Regards,

ERROR:place - The following 1 components are required to be placed in a
relative placement form. The required relative coordinates in the RPM
(that can be seen in the FPGA-editor) are shown in brackets next to the
component names. Due to placement constraints it is impossible to place
components in the required form. SLICE
partial_digital_if/u_dataslicer/int_rst_2 (0, 0)
Constrained by statement: COMPGRP "PARTIAL.SLICE" LOCATE = SITE
"SLICE_X20Y191:SLICE_X175Y0" LEVEL 4 ;

Finished Guide File Processing.

Xilinx Place and Route Guide Results File

Guide Summary Report:

Design Totals:
Name matched: 3361 out of 3540 94%
Rejected due to connectivity: 1 out of 3361
Total guided: 3360 out of 3361 99%

Rejected Implicit/Internal: 3686 out of 10802
Name matched: 7111 out of 7116 99%
Total guided: 7101 out of 7111 99%
Total connections guided: 2558

Guide file: "../../pims/partial_digital_if/partial_digital_if.ncd"
mode: "exact"

Name matched: 3346 out of 3540 94%
Rejected due to connectivity: 1 out of 3346
Total guided: 3345 out of 3346 99%

Name matched: 7099 out of 10802 65%
Total guided: 7068 out of 7099 99%
Total connections guided: 2457

Guide file: "../../pims/switch_qpsk/switch_qpsk.ncd" Guide mode:

Name matched: 15 out of 3540 0%
Total guided: 15 out of 15 100%

Name matched: 183 out of 10802 1%
Total guided: 481 out of 183 262%
Total connections guided: 101

For a detailed guide report refer to the "digital_if.grf" file.

Device utilization summary:

Number of External IOBs 101 out of 684 14%
Number of LOCed External IOBs 101 out of 101 100%

Number of SLICEs 3061 out of 33792 9%

Number of BUFGMUXs 11 out of 16 68%
Number of TBUFs 64 out of 16896 1%
Number of VCCs 303 out of 9410 3%

Overall effort level (-ol): Standard (default)
Placer effort level (-pl): Standard (default)
Placer cost table entry (-t): 1
Router effort level (-rl): Standard (default)

Starting initial Timing Analysis. REAL time: 12 mins 29 secs
Finished initial Timing Analysis. REAL time: 13 mins 3 secs

WARNING:par:276 - The signal bus1_bm_2/TNET(1) has no load
WARNING:par:276 - The signal bus1_bm_2/TNET(0) has no load
WARNING:par:276 - The signal bus1_bm_3/TNET(0) has no load
WARNING:par:276 - The signal bm_r0/TNET(1) has no load
WARNING:par:276 - The signal bm_r0/TNET(0) has no load

Phase 1.1

ERROR:place - The following 1 components are required to be placed in a
relative placement form. The required relative coordinates in the RPM
(that can be seen in the FPGA-editor) are shown in brackets next to the
component names. Due to placement constraints it is impossible to place
components in the required form. SLICE
partial_digital_if/u_dataslicer/int_rst_2 (0, 0)
Constrained by statement: COMPGRP "PARTIAL.SLICE" LOCATE = SITE
"SLICE_X20Y191:SLICE_X175Y0" LEVEL 4 ;

ERROR:place - The following 1 components are required to be placed in a
relative placement form. The required relative coordinates in the RPM
(that can be seen in the FPGA-editor) are shown in brackets next to the
component names. Due to placement constraints it is impossible to place
components in the required form. SLICE
partial_digital_if/u_dataslicer/_n0105 (0, 0)
Constrained by statement: COMPGRP "PARTIAL.SLICE" LOCATE = SITE
"SLICE_X20Y191:SLICE_X175Y0" LEVEL 4 ;

Phase 1.1 (Checksum:99478b) REAL time: 14 mins 5 secs

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