Kelvin @ SG
Hi, group:
What does this error mean? How may I fix it? I am using a Virtex-2 chip. And
i am mimicing the local
constant tricks the XAPP290 was doing, but somehow it doesn't work.
ERROR:HDLCompilers:200 - ../../../src/iq_gen.v line 35 Target of defparam
'lut_vdd.init' does not exist
ERROR:HDLCompilers:200 - ../../../src/iq_gen.v line 37 Target of defparam
'lut_gnd.init' does not exist
Best Regards,
In file ../../../src/iq_gen.v
wire vcc_iq, gnd_iq;
LUT1 lut_vdd( .O( gnd_iq ), .I0( vcc_iq ) );
defparam lut_vdd.init = 2'b00;
LUT1 lut_gnd( .O( vcc_iq ), .I0( gnd_iq ) );
defparam lut_gnd.init = 2'b11;
What does this error mean? How may I fix it? I am using a Virtex-2 chip. And
i am mimicing the local
constant tricks the XAPP290 was doing, but somehow it doesn't work.
ERROR:HDLCompilers:200 - ../../../src/iq_gen.v line 35 Target of defparam
'lut_vdd.init' does not exist
ERROR:HDLCompilers:200 - ../../../src/iq_gen.v line 37 Target of defparam
'lut_gnd.init' does not exist
Best Regards,
In file ../../../src/iq_gen.v
wire vcc_iq, gnd_iq;
LUT1 lut_vdd( .O( gnd_iq ), .I0( vcc_iq ) );
defparam lut_vdd.init = 2'b00;
LUT1 lut_gnd( .O( vcc_iq ), .I0( gnd_iq ) );
defparam lut_gnd.init = 2'b11;