Hi Fellows,
I am just getting used to generate statement. Do begin with 8 bit
inverter is generated using Generate Command. Now I want to connect
the out put of one inverter to the input of other invertor or you can
say to cascade the 8 inverters. I will just apply input to the first
inverter and at every clock pulse output is tranfered sequentially to
other inverter.
I have written the VHDL code below But I am getting following error.
Help would be appreciated .
ERROR ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Error: ELAB1_0008: generate.vhd : (31, 16): Cannot read output :
# Error: ELAB1_0008: generate.vhd : (32, 16): Cannot read output :
# Error: ELAB1_0008: generate.vhd : (33, 16): Cannot read output :
# Error: ELAB1_0008: generate.vhd : (34, 16): Cannot read output :
# Error: ELAB1_0008: generate.vhd : (35, 16): Cannot read output :
# Error: ELAB1_0008: generate.vhd : (36, 16): Cannot read output :
# Error: ELAB1_0008: generate.vhd : (37, 16): Cannot read output :
VHDL CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity Invert_8 is
port ( Inputs :std_logic_vector (1 to 8);
clock : in std_logic ;
Outputs : out std_logic_vector (1 to 8));
end Invert_8;
Architecture Behaviour of Invert_8 is
component Inverter
port ( I1 : std_logic ;
clock : in std_logic;
O1 : out std_logic );
end component ;
signal output1 : std_logic ;
signal output2 : std_logic ;
signal output3 : std_logic ;
signal output4 : std_logic ;
signal output5 : std_logic ;
signal output6 : std_logic ;
signal output7 : std_logic ;
InverterGenerated : for I in 1 to 8 generate
Inv : Inverter port map (Inputs(I),clock, Outputs(I));
end generate ;
process (clock)
if (clock'EVENT and clock ='1') then
output1 <= Outputs(1);
output2 <= Outputs(2);
output3 <= Outputs(3);
output4 <= Outputs(4);
output5 <= Outputs(5);
output6 <= Outputs(6);
output7 <= Outputs(7);
end if ;
end process ;
InverterGenerated_1 : Inverter
port map (
Inputs(1),clock, Outputs(1)
InverterGenerated_2 : Inverter
port map (
I1 => output1,
clock => clock, O1 => Outputs(2)
InverterGenerated_3 : Inverter
port map (
I1 => output2,
clock => clock, O1 => Outputs(3)
InverterGenerated_4 : Inverter
port map (
I1 => output3,
clock => clock, O1 => Outputs(4)
InverterGenerated_5 : Inverter
port map (
I1 => output4,
clock => clock, O1 => Outputs(5)
InverterGenerated_6 : Inverter
port map (
I1 => output5,
clock => clock, O1 => Outputs(6)
InverterGenerated_7 : Inverter
port map (
I1 => output6,
clock => clock, O1 => Outputs(7)
InverterGenerated_8 : Inverter
port map (
I1 => output7,
clock => clock, O1 => Outputs(8)
end Behaviour;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity Inverter is
port ( I1 : std_logic ;
clock : in std_logic;
O1 : out std_logic );
end Inverter;
Architecture Behav of Inverter is
process (I1,clock)
if (clock'EVENT and clock='1') then
O1 <= not (I1);
end if;
end process ;
end Behav;
I am just getting used to generate statement. Do begin with 8 bit
inverter is generated using Generate Command. Now I want to connect
the out put of one inverter to the input of other invertor or you can
say to cascade the 8 inverters. I will just apply input to the first
inverter and at every clock pulse output is tranfered sequentially to
other inverter.
I have written the VHDL code below But I am getting following error.
Help would be appreciated .
ERROR ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Error: ELAB1_0008: generate.vhd : (31, 16): Cannot read output :
# Error: ELAB1_0008: generate.vhd : (32, 16): Cannot read output :
# Error: ELAB1_0008: generate.vhd : (33, 16): Cannot read output :
# Error: ELAB1_0008: generate.vhd : (34, 16): Cannot read output :
# Error: ELAB1_0008: generate.vhd : (35, 16): Cannot read output :
# Error: ELAB1_0008: generate.vhd : (36, 16): Cannot read output :
# Error: ELAB1_0008: generate.vhd : (37, 16): Cannot read output :
VHDL CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity Invert_8 is
port ( Inputs :std_logic_vector (1 to 8);
clock : in std_logic ;
Outputs : out std_logic_vector (1 to 8));
end Invert_8;
Architecture Behaviour of Invert_8 is
component Inverter
port ( I1 : std_logic ;
clock : in std_logic;
O1 : out std_logic );
end component ;
signal output1 : std_logic ;
signal output2 : std_logic ;
signal output3 : std_logic ;
signal output4 : std_logic ;
signal output5 : std_logic ;
signal output6 : std_logic ;
signal output7 : std_logic ;
InverterGenerated : for I in 1 to 8 generate
Inv : Inverter port map (Inputs(I),clock, Outputs(I));
end generate ;
process (clock)
if (clock'EVENT and clock ='1') then
output1 <= Outputs(1);
output2 <= Outputs(2);
output3 <= Outputs(3);
output4 <= Outputs(4);
output5 <= Outputs(5);
output6 <= Outputs(6);
output7 <= Outputs(7);
end if ;
end process ;
InverterGenerated_1 : Inverter
port map (
Inputs(1),clock, Outputs(1)
InverterGenerated_2 : Inverter
port map (
I1 => output1,
clock => clock, O1 => Outputs(2)
InverterGenerated_3 : Inverter
port map (
I1 => output2,
clock => clock, O1 => Outputs(3)
InverterGenerated_4 : Inverter
port map (
I1 => output3,
clock => clock, O1 => Outputs(4)
InverterGenerated_5 : Inverter
port map (
I1 => output4,
clock => clock, O1 => Outputs(5)
InverterGenerated_6 : Inverter
port map (
I1 => output5,
clock => clock, O1 => Outputs(6)
InverterGenerated_7 : Inverter
port map (
I1 => output6,
clock => clock, O1 => Outputs(7)
InverterGenerated_8 : Inverter
port map (
I1 => output7,
clock => clock, O1 => Outputs(8)
end Behaviour;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity Inverter is
port ( I1 : std_logic ;
clock : in std_logic;
O1 : out std_logic );
end Inverter;
Architecture Behav of Inverter is
process (I1,clock)
if (clock'EVENT and clock='1') then
O1 <= not (I1);
end if;
end process ;
end Behav;