ERC error - OUTPUT and SUPPLY pins mixed on net vcc (**new u


I'm a new user of Eagle, and I've only recently gotten into

I hope this is the right group for this post, if not... could someone
tell me which is best?

When I run ERC, I get the following message:

EAGLE Version 4.16r2 Copyright (c) 1988-2006 CadSoft

Electrical Rule Check for E:/OtherSoftware/eagle/projects/ethernet/
ethernet_final.sch at 08/02/2008 03:17:00p

WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VCAP connected to N$28
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VSS connected to GND
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VSSRX connected to GND
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VDDTX connected to VCC
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VSSTX connected to GND
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VDDPLL connected to VCC
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VDDRX connected to VCC
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VSSPLL connected to GND
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VSSOSC connected to GND
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VDDOSC connected to VCC
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VDD connected to VCC
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin IC1 AGND connected to GND
ERROR: OUTPUT and SUPPLY Pins mixed on net VCC

Board and schematic are consistent

1 errors
12 warnings
I can't figure out how to get rid of the error... I've spent a lot of
time rechecking all the connections in my .sch file and position on
the .brd, and I've still not been able to find the problem. I also
searched around for other people with the same problem, but haven't
found any good responses.

Can anyone help?

T wrote:

I'm a new user of Eagle, and I've only recently gotten into

I hope this is the right group for this post, if not... could someone
tell me which is best?

When I run ERC, I get the following message:

EAGLE Version 4.16r2 Copyright (c) 1988-2006 CadSoft

Electrical Rule Check for E:/OtherSoftware/eagle/projects/ethernet/
ethernet_final.sch at 08/02/2008 03:17:00p

WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VCAP connected to N$28
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VSS connected to GND
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VSSRX connected to GND
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VDDTX connected to VCC
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VSSTX connected to GND
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VDDPLL connected to VCC
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VDDRX connected to VCC
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VSSPLL connected to GND
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VSSOSC connected to GND
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VDDOSC connected to VCC
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin U1 VDD connected to VCC
WARNING: Sheet 1/1: POWER Pin IC1 AGND connected to GND
ERROR: OUTPUT and SUPPLY Pins mixed on net VCC

Board and schematic are consistent

1 errors
12 warnings
I can't figure out how to get rid of the error... I've spent a lot of
time rechecking all the connections in my .sch file and position on
the .brd, and I've still not been able to find the problem. I also
searched around for other people with the same problem, but haven't
found any good responses.

Can anyone help?

I'm not an Eagle user, so I have no specific advice, however, it sounds
like you have pins on a device that are connected to a power rail, but
that are not defined as power pins. You might want to look at how all
the pins on the devices are defined.

Does this really matter in Eagle? In Orcad, I might look at the ERC
errors flagged, decide for myself if I really made a mistake or if
everything is connected the way I intend, and then proceed with the
design. In Orcad ERC errors are for information, and do not prevent
completion of a design.

NOTE: to reply, remove all punctuation from email name field

Ned Forrester 508-289-2226
Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering Dept.
Oceanographic Systems Lab
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA
Hi Ned,

This sounds like a reasonable explanation, i suppose because I created
my own component and while I was making it I probably forgot to label
the power pin properly.

My suspicions matched with Neds. There are varying levels of ERC
checking amongst tools and virtually none of them are perfect. Across many
tools I would expect the one error you had complaining about power pins and
an output being connected to the same net. This can readily occcur when you
name the output pin of a regulator as an output type pin. Then it is
connected to your VCC net and the software reports that type of error. That
may have been your error or it may be that one of your other pins connecting
to VCC is configured as an output. Good luck.

Brad Velander.

<> wrote in message
Hi Ned,

This sounds like a reasonable explanation, i suppose because I created
my own component and while I was making it I probably forgot to label
the power pin properly.


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