Pooja Maheshwari
I want to generate enhanced VCD file as per IEEE1364-2001 standard.
I'm using ncverilog-5.1 version.
Std. says if filename is not given in "dumpports" task then it should be
dumped into "dumpports.vcd" file and identification codes for port
should be
"<n" where n is number starting from 0.
But ncverilog is dumping data into "verilog.evcd" file, and
identification codes are
also "#", "!" etc. I tried "+ncvcdextend", & "-dumpports_format 2"
switches also.
How can I get 2001 compliant evcd file with ncverilog?
Thanks in advance,
I'm using ncverilog-5.1 version.
Std. says if filename is not given in "dumpports" task then it should be
dumped into "dumpports.vcd" file and identification codes for port
should be
"<n" where n is number starting from 0.
But ncverilog is dumping data into "verilog.evcd" file, and
identification codes are
also "#", "!" etc. I tried "+ncvcdextend", & "-dumpports_format 2"
switches also.
How can I get 2001 compliant evcd file with ncverilog?
Thanks in advance,