Tom Gugger
Tom Gugger
Independent Recruiter
Engineers/ ECM- Electronically Commutated Motor/ Career Positions
Our client has multiple openings for engineers with solid experience in the ECM area.
They have various needs for Power Electronics Engineers, Drive Designers, software engineers, and other engineering positions where previous Electronically Commutated
Motor experience is required.
We need people with ECM, engineering experience, and a desire to achieve. These opportunities are for a major player who offers excellent working conditions, matched
by excellent benefits, and a true chance for advancement. These are career positions located in Wisconsin and Indiana. The locations have a relatively low cost of living matched with good recreation areas near by.
Experience with ECM is the key word, we have solid openings in various engineering areas, and the need is now as the growth continues. If interested and qualified, email resume to tgugger@bex.net. Make sure your resume reflects your ECM experience. Great
Jobs with a solid growing company, opportunity is knockingopen that door.
Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
Independent Recruiter
Engineers/ ECM- Electronically Commutated Motor/ Career Positions
Our client has multiple openings for engineers with solid experience in the ECM area.
They have various needs for Power Electronics Engineers, Drive Designers, software engineers, and other engineering positions where previous Electronically Commutated
Motor experience is required.
We need people with ECM, engineering experience, and a desire to achieve. These opportunities are for a major player who offers excellent working conditions, matched
by excellent benefits, and a true chance for advancement. These are career positions located in Wisconsin and Indiana. The locations have a relatively low cost of living matched with good recreation areas near by.
Experience with ECM is the key word, we have solid openings in various engineering areas, and the need is now as the growth continues. If interested and qualified, email resume to tgugger@bex.net. Make sure your resume reflects your ECM experience. Great
Jobs with a solid growing company, opportunity is knockingopen that door.
Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services