Energy Dpt. Budget Nightmares, C-Span anti-Free Speech , Hat



In my opinion,

1) The Energy Dpt. Budget is 27 billion dollars, but the next few
years, with the Stimulus Plan money, it will be higher AND A LOT MORE
IMPORTANT , and as many in DC are asking : when are we going to get a
full account of the last 8 to 10 years Budget at the Department and
its expenses : many are saying that hundreds of millions in special
programs, nuclear weapons , storage, public relations, special
expenses, etc., as well as nuclear weapons blueprints ,hardware and
software are gone , distracted, duplicated , you name it, so why not
make a full account before the new Secretary really starts to be in
full charge? the plan , as many are saying, is to delay the full
accounting until they can blame the new Administration, so why not
make a " full account " before ? but of course, since the top money
positions at the DoE are still controlled by Bush-Cheney-Bodman
appointee's, they will object and refuse, accuse and delay, right
Isakowitz ? ( darling Isakowitz is the CFO of the Energy
Dpt.) .....and since none of them old Bush-Cheney-Bodman appointees
have nothing to hide, why not check how much money they had when they
went in and how much when they went out, eh, Isakowitz ? , how about
it ? but what's the point ? who in the DoJ is going to check this
abuse ? no one.

it's important to remember the Briefing by a top officer at the
Pentagon a few weeks ago, where he said that the USA needs to re-do
all its nukes because the blueprints have been copied ( stolen ? )
everywhere , this was the last time we heard from him...honesty does
not go very well in D.C....

2) As so many people point out when they get through to " Washington
Journal " at C-SPAN from 7 to 10 a.m., , on
the radio and streaming :

a) why when a caller expresses an opinion about Israel , the Israeli
Lobby or AIPAC , most of the hosts hang -up even without letting them
finish their point?

b) some one called about the "Hate Speech Bill" , H.R. 1913 , , which can be manipulated to block and
punish any opinions,and they were also "deleted" , why ?

many know that in the last few hours before voting and signing this
Bill, they will insert a few sentences to make sure any kind of free
opinion about certain organized groups would be included in this
"supervision" Legislation and become illegal.

c) when a caller started to mention that Elena Kagan from the law firm
WilmerHale , partner of Jamie " the Wall " Gorelick and now at the
Justice Dpt. is a member of an orthodox religious group based in a
foreign country, in this case in Israel, the hang-up was
instantaneous , why ?

d) when any caller starts to talk about the root of all the Violence
and hate in the Middle East , the Palestine--Israel Land grab, at C-
SPAN they cut them off, even when this absurd land abuse is fueling
extremist violence, is the biggest AlQaeda recruiting tool and is
costing the USA Blood and Treasury with no end in sight, and we still
can't even talk about it , how is that possible, AMERICA ?

The 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is very clear: Congress
shall make no law .....abridging the freedom of speech....and C-Span
was established with Congress approval to balance the monopolistic
situation of the Cable and Satellite Industry.

This Petition goes to the core of America: are we run STILL by the USA
Constitution ? or are we already under the laws of another country ?
will this new Hate Speech Bill end the right to Free Speech about any
issue? is this some kind of "orthodox neocon sharia " law ? is it
true what they say in Israel that there is no difference between the
Taliban , the mullahs and the extreme Orthodox ?

What is insulting in America today , is that none of these questions
will never be answered on c-span, that's really unacceptable, and the
blame goes also to the leaders in Washington D.C., who put up with
this nonsense as well as the voters, many of them are only interested
in the players at the games, the gossip and scandal news , the junk
foods and the stomach medication, shame !

Other issues that never get asked in c-span , are where are :

a) the new crews manufacturing and installing solar panels and
b) the new crews manufacturing and installing wind turbines and smart
transmission lines
c) the new crews manufacturing and installing wave and current
d) the new crews manufacturing and installing geothermal pumps
e) the new factories and plants making Synthetic fuels for Commercial
and Military Aviation

when are we going to get the new battery factories, the new fuel-cells
factories and the new electric motors for cars, trucks,vans and
buses ? when ?

and where are the Credits and Finance for Homeowners , for Business
Owners, for young entrepreneurs ?

President Obama , when are we going to get going ?

e) It's refreshing to hear Vice-President Biden demanding the " 2
State Solution " from the right-wing administration of Netanyahu, but
i would urge the Vice- President to see the video ( it was on for a long time ) from the Israeli Police
and the Israeli TV Networks where Netanyahu was caught with 70 boxes
of the Gifts of Foreign States to the State of Israel in his private
office and private residence the day after he left office, and when
confronted by the Police and the TV crews he said :'s just a
misunderstanding , my secretary made a mistake ..." the guy is a " 3
and 1/2 " dollar bill and with his own people.....Vice-President
Biden : no bending over on this one !!!

3 ) In Afghanistan and Pakistan reports from the BBC and other EU
sources point out these issues and its all interlinked, the President
and the VP must demand a full report because they and their
Administration will get the blame later if they don't :

1) There are constant civilian fatalities from drones "mistakes",
resulting in more hate,more violence and more contracts...
b) someone is pushing Christian Bibles to Muslims in Afghanistan and
making them very mad and against the Christians, and we know who is
always trying to push Muslims against Christians... the neocons ,
right Netanyahu ?

2) When many members in Congress asked the special envoy , the neocon
Holbrook , the need to speak with Dr.Kahn from Pakistan and find out
about the Nuclear Network he was operating , Holbrook and the Foreign
Affairs Committee chairman Berman said NO !, there is no need for
anyone in the USA to talk to Dr.Kahn...why ? because the biggest
suppliers of Nuclear technology to Dr.Kahn was the Wisser,.Meyer,Asher
Karni group of orthodox ex-members of the Army of Israel and when they
were arrested by the FBI-Commerce Dpt, by the Interpol and the South-
Africa Police, they exposed a full network of sales of critical gear,
software and hardware to Pakistan's Dr.Kahn as well as to India, North
Korea,China and others, they were the biggest dealers in Nuclear
technology and that's why they don't want to sign any Nuclear
Treaties, so who are the real global terrorists ?
Our mistake was to think that president Obama knew the whole story
about Karni,Wisser ,Meyer and Dr.Kahn, but he didn't and so he
installed Emanuel, Summers , Axelrod and others in the White House, he
never got the memo !!!

3) The key is to make the Afghanistan Presidential Elections in August
2009 a total success, there are already 44 candidates, if there are 2
full debates on National TV and Radio and the population gets fully
involved and gets help reaching the Voting Stations , we have a chance
of success ....but of course the neocons agenda is to keep troops
there while they "fabricate" a conflict with Iran , right ?

4 ) "Emanuel" Covenant for everybody in the USA ! question
that many people are asking is why the special treatment of Rahm
Emanuel -- now Chief of Staff in the White House and the " Hollywood
Neocon Studios" host and lobby there --- in the case of Freddie
Mac , , where Emanuel was a Director of
the Executive Board of Directors and even after being told by the SEC
and the DoJ that the Freddie Mac books were "cooked and fraudulent"
he went ahead, signed them, got his 300.000 dollar salary and then
left the Company, and the question is : if anyone does what Emanuel
did, he or she gets indicted, has to return the salary and/or bonuses
and their careers are over, but in the case of Emanuel ,he kept the
money and got a promotion, so since we have 2.3 million people in
jails and 400.000 at least are less "illegal" than Emanuel, when are
they going to get them out so that they can get a promotion
too? ...but of course, we know that they won't even get a second
chance or re-training, they feed the huge "Prison - Industrial -
Complex" that costs USA Taxpayers 65 billion dollars a year and ,
what a coincidence ! , is run by many of the orthodox friends and
partners of Emanuel, Axelrod,Summers ,Bernanke ,Shapiro and Geithner,
so they get a pass while the gentiles go to jail, isn't wonderful to
be a political-military neocon in America ? and dear President
Obama : the best friends of Rupert Murdoch are the Emanuel Brothers,
and they will bring your Administration down when the time comes, you
will get the blame while "they" get what they really want : the money
and the nukes, let's hope you see it before its too late !

5) to Ed Montgomery , in charge of helping Local Communities in the
Auto Industry Disaster Area : we need batteries and electric motors
factories as well as worker re-training as soon as possible, every kid
that likes cars and motors must get a chance to learn to fix "hybrid-
electric plug-in E-85 " cars, trucks and vans, and many of them can
also learn to manufacture and install solar panels, wind and water
turbines and geothermal pumps, its about these jobs, because as you
well know , out here , outside from the "D.C. Bubble" and the "
wonderful for-life federal jobs with amazing perks" , there is
nothing !!! we need action and we also know that many of the neocons
around D.C. don't want any progress, they are waiting for things to
collapse to buy the whole cake for change, and if you want to know who
they are - and are mostly Hedge-Funds - just ask Emanuel,Summers,
Geithner, Bernanke, Axelrod,Shapiro,Furman, Lew, Steinberg,
Bernstein ,Lieberman and Dianne Feinstein among other darlings, they
know the whole story.

At the Dpt. of Energy, I would urge President Obama, Vice-President
Biden and Secretary Chu to clean-out all the Bush-Cheney-Bodman neocon
appointee's, America needs a new strong and smart Energy Department,
an " Energy Independence Fighting Machine " not another subsidiary of
the Oil/Gas and Neocon Lobby's , this time is to save the country.

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