Leif Neland
Would it be possible to make a device, which could be carried in a
suitcase, which would destroy/disable a computerized voting machine?
It might kill a few mobile phones too, but that would be a small price
to pay to defend democracy.
Some politicans in my country wants to jeopardize the trust the peoples
trust in our paper ballot system, which everyone can understand, and is
very, if not impossibe to cheat, and replace it with electronic voting
Even if almost all IT-professionals complain that you can't have both
secret and verifyable e-elections, they still insist on having trials
at the next municipal elections.
The only IT-professionals which are positive, are the companys which
think they can earn hundreds of millions on trying to implement the
system, it seems...
Husk křrelys bagpĺ, hvis din bilfabrikant har taget den idiotiske
beslutning at undlade det.
suitcase, which would destroy/disable a computerized voting machine?
It might kill a few mobile phones too, but that would be a small price
to pay to defend democracy.
Some politicans in my country wants to jeopardize the trust the peoples
trust in our paper ballot system, which everyone can understand, and is
very, if not impossibe to cheat, and replace it with electronic voting
Even if almost all IT-professionals complain that you can't have both
secret and verifyable e-elections, they still insist on having trials
at the next municipal elections.
The only IT-professionals which are positive, are the companys which
think they can earn hundreds of millions on trying to implement the
system, it seems...
Husk křrelys bagpĺ, hvis din bilfabrikant har taget den idiotiske
beslutning at undlade det.