Emerson EWC0902 part numbers needed


Ray L. Volts

I'd like to repair this unit, as the CRT is in excellent shape, but if I
can't find the parts, it'll go to the dumpster.

I couldn't find a freebie service manual online and I'm not willing to
fork over the gold that resellers want these days for old service
manuals. Parts won't cost much if the prices are similar to those I've
seen for similar parts on other makes. Of course, parts may not even be
available anywhere ('cept maybe cannibalized units).

Photos of parts needed are at:

On Tue, 11 Aug 2009 07:10:23 GMT, "Ray L. Volts"
<raylvolts@REMOVECAPSgmail.com> put finger to keyboard and composed:

I'd like to repair this unit, as the CRT is in excellent shape, but if I
can't find the parts, it'll go to the dumpster.

I couldn't find a freebie service manual online and I'm not willing to
fork over the gold that resellers want these days for old service
manuals. Parts won't cost much if the prices are similar to those I've
seen for similar parts on other makes. Of course, parts may not even be
available anywhere ('cept maybe cannibalized units).

Photos of parts needed are at:

I have uploaded the service manual for you.

Funai / Emerson model EWC0902 VCR (multipart):


- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.
Franc Zabkar wrote:
On Tue, 11 Aug 2009 07:10:23 GMT, "Ray L. Volts"
raylvolts@REMOVECAPSgmail.com> put finger to keyboard and composed:

I'd like to repair this unit, as the CRT is in excellent shape, but if I
can't find the parts, it'll go to the dumpster.

I couldn't find a freebie service manual online and I'm not willing to
fork over the gold that resellers want these days for old service
manuals. Parts won't cost much if the prices are similar to those I've
seen for similar parts on other makes. Of course, parts may not even be
available anywhere ('cept maybe cannibalized units).

Photos of parts needed are at:


I have uploaded the service manual for you.

Funai / Emerson model EWC0902 VCR (multipart):


- Franc Zabkar
Many thanks!!

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