Electronics-Related Website - PLEASE READ!



I have recently just re-designed a website for a friend, with the
hopes of turning it into a community where it can become quite popular
for discussions on electronic related topics. So, heres what I am

1 - I am still trying to think of more categories for the forum, so if
you can think of any, please post them.

2 - This is the BIG favour. Obviously, no-one wants to visit an empty
forum. So I am asking a huge favour to help me give this forum a kick
start. If you could perhaps post some questions, maybe a tutorial if
you have one, anything; basically start to get some posts flowing.

The link for the site is:

<a href="http://www.mohhingman.r8.org">Clicky to Website</a>

Or if HTML dosnt work, www.mohhingman.r8.org

Ok, thanks guys.

P.S: I recomend checking out the D.U.T (Device under test) page. There
are some cool vids of capacitors exploding :)

P.P.S I have posted this in a few other forums, so I apologize if this
appears a few times!!

Welcome to EDABoard.com

